Chapter 3 Jisung POV

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I can't believe that Lix tasked me with bringing Jeongin around! I get some time with him all to myself! I wonder if he likes National Geographic...

"Hyung?" I heard his voice.


"Why are we just standing and staring at a wall?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Oh... Oops... Let's go! I can show you everything!"

Jeongin laughed happily. "You're funny, hyung!"

I grinned. "Why, thank you!" I flipped my imaginary long hair. "Alright, first on the list is the pool room!" I led Jeongin to the pool house and opened the door, bowing like a gentleman while he walked in. He giggled and curtsied back. I followed him in and immediately the smell of bleach and chlorine hit my nose. I breathed in the comforting smell.

"So this is the pool, you can come here at any time of day or night. There are people that come and clean here every once in a while. You can still come in, just make sure you don't use your powers." I explained. Jeongin nodded along.

"There's almost always another member here. Most of the time it's Minho hyung. In fact this is where I first saw him. It was the first day I arrived, Chan hyung was taking me around and when he said there was a pool room I got so excited and asked him if we could go there first. He said we could, and when we came in I saw Minho hyung. He was making the water come out of the pool and rain back in. It was so cool!" Jeongin started laughing. I stopped talking and looked at him.


"Nothing." He waved his hand. "Keep going."

I cleared my throat and took a breath. "That's it for this room. Except that there are showers to your right. Let's go to the game room!" Jeongin nodded and followed me out.

As we walked I pointed out some of my favorite trees and places around the facility to hang out.

"Is this the game room?" Jeongin cut in.
"What?" I asked. "Oh, yeah. How did you know?" He pointed to the neon sign above the door that read "Game Room".

"Oooh... Yeah, that makes sense... Anyways, let's go inside."

Once we were inside Jeongin's jaw dropped. He walked around for a bit, ooh-ing and ah-ing at all the game machines we had. It was true that Chan hyung went all out on the game room. It was almost a full size arcade with tickets and games and even prizes, though most of them had to do with food, like having two votes when we picked dinner, Ramen coupons, or things like that.

"So this is the game room. There's video games in here and if you go to the next room over there are physical games like pool, air hockey, ping pong, carpet ball, and some other things." I explained gesturing toward each thing.

"Woah..." Jeongin looked around in awe. "Who founded this place? They must be rich." I burst into laughter. Jeongin watched me confusedly until I caught my breath enough to speak.

"He didn't tell you?" Still confused he couldn't do anything but shake his head. I sighed. Of course he hadn't.

"Chan hyung and his parents started this. The game room was his idea." I told him. His jaw dropped as he looked around again.

"Chan hyung- Chan hyung helped found this?" He asked incredulously.

"Yup. I bet if you asked him he'd explain it to you."

"Awesome... Do you think..." He paused. "No nevermind."

"Go ahead, I won't judge." I assured him.

"Do you think anybody has any old clothes they're not using anymore?" His question was so quiet I almost couldn't hear it.

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