11 : Encounter the Fate

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Back, in the capital, standing on the terrace of the same Eva building, workplace unit, Steve Tradis was able to feel the chaos and the disturbance in the Himis. He could feel the people, his people falling, which brought him pain, and could also feel the humanoids getting crushed.

That time, all the people including the guards were asked to leave the facility and return to the Eva residential areas while he alone waited in the entire Eva facility, standing on that terrace. He had also asked the Eva residential area to be completely covered with the S-R fields.

While looking in the direction of Himis, a feeling struck his mind and he could feel the presence of another, much denser life force in the area.

"I suspected you would arrive, old friend."

"'Friend'?" the voice said. "You should have thought about that relation before that day. . . Before bombing my people."

Wiping some accumulated tears from the corner of his eyes, Steve smiled and turned around to see Astharoth, floating some inches above the terrace floor. Dressed in formal clothing after ages, a satin black shirt, grey pants and shoes, Astharoth kept looking into his eyes.

"Long time, Steve," Astharoth said. "Remember this dress I'm wearing? It's the same outfit which I wore at your wedding. When you asked me to be your best man."

"I know why you're here," Steve replied. "But I promise, that was not me, friend Astharoth."

"Born from the divines, reincarnated for ages," Astharoth said. "How many times were you born after that time? After betraying me."

Steve said no words. After a brief silence, he said, "It was not me."

"You're fooling no one with that fake kind face of your's, not any more," Astharoth smiled in the most eerie way. "Kindness, perhaps, is a lie in this world. Their actions are just driven by their needs, by the profit in it.

"But the time has come, old friend." Astharoth finished coldly.


The dense wall of mist burst apart, revealing the seal inside. The moment it burst apart, a wave emerged in the area, lighting up the massive carved triquetra pattern for a moment before going dim again. Inside, William noticed, stood two entities, presumably the ranks or one of those entities, whose attention the burst had grabbed. A female, with grey hair and a long knife, summoned in her hand. And a muscular man, with white skin, just like every other rank.

"God, they must be so pissed," William said, keeping his eyes on them. "Every time they organise these kinds of things, we somehow appear to screw them up."

Noticing the face of the man-child, mentioned by Valefor in one of their summonings, the ranks would have not hesitated to choose offense, but, even in the possibility of them showing up, disposing of them was not their goal. For them, the initiation of the Divine-summoning had begun, and, for them, it should not be disturbed. They stood calm for a moment before both rushed ahead.

"Brace yourself," William shouted. "Incoming."

William and Mary separated apart and so did the entities. A long knife manifested in William's hands and was used to evade the swiveling long blade of the lady ahead. His body moved more fluently than before, evading her strikes while trying to hit and muscle-lock the rank in front.

"You won't interrupt the ceremony ahead." the rank said in her cold tone while trying to bring down the man-child. There was a beauty in her moments, like some fish, dancing elegantly in the flow of river. Her gorgeous, flowy hair moved and waved as she moved, constantly distracting William while he continued his attempts to bring her down for good.

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