11 : For the Record

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Part I : Arrived for reason

The pressure in the air intensed as the cloud Wall of the cursed belt closed. A feeling struck William's mind and his body was pulled inside the foggy environment. It was a jolt which separated his hands from his mother's and he was sucked in the denseness of the clouds. Coming back to his senses, inhaling and exhaling breathlessly while his body was down on his knees, William found himself in the foggy woods.

The fear hormone accelerated and the lungs choked, inhaling the air while his hands touched his chest.

"Seems your body, in its current state, can't keep up with the change in the air toxicity after all." The voice came from the back.

Warm, soft hands touched William's neck and William had a strange feeling as if his energy was being channelled away from his body toward the hands. Soon, a dark grey piece of fabric emerged from the thin air over his shoulders and spread wide. Many strips of fabric emerged in the same way and soon, he realised, they wrapped around his body like some sort of grey suit.

"Calm your life force," the same voice said, which William would recognise as Mary's. "No toxicity existing in this world with its current concentration right now can kill you."

William's body was totally enclosed in the grey-white cloth-except his face, his silver-white hair and his palms-as the fabric spread all over his skin like a suit. A suit, he noticed, very identical to the clothing he earlier saw on other people who were standing near the wall to walk toward the other side, back then when he arrived at the border of the belt with Maya. Except, this suit additionally had the same coloured cape flowing on his back.

Lastly, one of the many emerged cloth strips extended ahead, the cloth covered his nose and mouth like a face mask and the choking stopped. William was still on his knees while a figure in the same type of clothing, her hair tied in a twisted chignon bun, Mary, stood close to him, looking at him and the area around them.

"How do you feel now?" Mary asked.

"Like I was just resuscitated back from the doors of death," William replied. "You said, the toxicity and the change in air pressure won't affect at all in my and your case!"

"The theory did work for me, I'm surprised what happened in your case."

"I would have almost died just now," He said in a strict and bit louder voice. "You said, I'd be fine with the changes after we crossed the wall."

"My existence, as of now, originates from the flow of energies inside you," Mary said. "My strength, density of energy flow and life force is lower if not very equal to that of yours and yet I'm standing in front of you without a mask. You can't stand in this air 'cause you're not pushing yourself hard enough. Now cut it off!" She had a strict tone too.

William froze in his place, trying to say nothing further and his eyes glanced into Mary's, who calmly stood a step away from him. She too was dressed in the same kind of grey-white suit, which she had manifested out of molecules using the energy flow.

"Pardon me," William said, looking down with shame. "It's my fault. I . . . I should have not shouted at you. Just like Maya always says . . . I'm not strong enough."

"Cut that out. We need to keep moving, can't rest in one place."

"Huh? Why so?"

"These suits, just manifested on our earlier clothes, are not real made-of-fabric suits," Mary explained. "Nobody can just manifest elements like cloth out of thin air, you know. These suits are the manifestation of wraparound energies around our bodies. Your energies. That's precisely why you can breathe even though there's no oxygen source on the suit and this place too, clearly, doesn't have enough oxygen.

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