10 : League of fallens

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I : The Fallen

With a blink of an eye, Vaul found himself in the same grand hall where he was called before. Before, when all the ranks were summoned for the meeting and the third rank, underestimating the strength of the weakened leader, went against the might of Valefor and didn't make it through his grip. Every time he closed his eyes, Vaul still remembered that bloody scene, that moment, as clear as some fresh memory.

The grand hall of ranks was all the same. A light grey coloured floor, created with ancient carved DeSadian design and architecture. Many massive DeSadian script carved pillars, standing on both sides, supporting the massive roof on the top. There also were walls, some distance outside the pillars covering the whole place, and the whole area was covered by thick Fogg. The place, according to Steve, was difficult if not impossible to reach for anyone other than the ranks due to his thick Fogg, covering the place. This area, this construct, was a spectacular manifestation of the energies of all ranks combined.

Vaul noticed the marks of the third rank's blood, shattered on the side walls, were cleaned. But, the marks that moment left on the minds of all other ranks were never to be cleared. It was to make one thing perfectly clear- even in his weakened state, the leader was way beyond other rank's league and they would never in their right mind stand against him. Well, except Astharoth. After how it turned out in the end, I wondered why Astharoth was not their leader to begin with.

A shamisen string sound

A sound of string runged in the hall snapping Vaul back from his thoughts and he, soon, noticed the other ranks present in the grand hall.

Aligos, Vesemir, Astharoth, Ivy, Mercy, Vaul himself and other ranks, except the eliminated Agares, were present. All the ranks were dressed in a brown wraparound and a silver-white long coat on the top.

Vaul noticed there were two boxes, both silver and some golden-plated designed coffins, placed in the middle of the grand hall and the other ranks stood around them in a semicircular formation.

Sallos and Naberuis

"Last time we met, the meeting, the ceremony was disturbed. . . Due to some unexpected turn of events." The voice came from the dark. "I appreciate your presence here, my people."

"What other choice do we have anyways," said the long-haired person, Astharoth. "We did not come here. You summoned us here."

Valefor emerged from the dark and walked forward into the grand hall. "It's never compulsory. The ranks can always resist the summoning, you know?"

"Bending the space between two places like a small wormhole, connecting two places and sucking us in," Astharoth mentioned. "I'm sure you know how hard it is to resist that."

"Forgive me if you didn't like the way you all were called," Valefor said. "But, Sallos and Naberuis sacrificed their lives on the field, fighting the people we opposed. They both deserve to be honoured by your presence."

"Stop fighting like kids will you?" Ivy said, standing one step behind the semicircle of the ranks. "Both of them, their death was their mistake. Sallos was always an emotional fool, he should have never been sent in the first place and Naberuis had one job to do-to eliminate the man-child. He instead went for that girl in red. What else could you expect when a person like Naberuis goes against the girl of that league."

"We all not all weak, you know, Lasha?" Astharoth said. "Not in front of these humans."

Lasha took a step forward, "Then why do we stand before two empty boxes of coffins, offering our prayers to the remains of our two comrades?" Her high-toned voice had depth and dominance in the room. "Just because of our higher control over energies and the mutation, our bodies went through in this world, are we DeSadians comparing ourselves to immortals or gods in this world?

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