6 : Confrontation

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The same night, William and I agreed to wait and observe the area till dawn, or till things feel abnormal. If things really were suspicious, as Charlotte had said, it shall not totally hide the whole night. William maintained his silence, quietly observing every visible street in the area. The town, being situated on a piece of land in the great lake, at night, the air travelled through the cold lake waters, entering the town from the West, making the weather in the town freezing, but it didn't bother him. William and I were sitting on the rooftop for a better view.

I enjoyed the cold winds passing by me. While William, lost in his own thoughts, kept running his eyes on the areas and the streets nearby. When it was almost an hour after midnight and the moon started descending on the other half of the sky, with a faintly audible clicking sound, the door of the old lady's shop opened, and she came outside.

Her eyes were half open but seemed lifeless. With an expressionless face, lightly oscillating her hands in calm air, she walked silently on the road. Her head leaned down the whole time, and she took smaller steps. At first glance, it felt normal, but then William concluded: her body was refusing to perform the actions she was doing, at the moment.

In my mind, who still failed to find any logical explanation for the situation, this conclusion gave birth to two possible assumptions: first was, her life energy might be manipulated to some extent. Or second, she was possessed. A feeling arose in me that she might be possessed. But William would have noticed the change in energies right away, so I passed on that presumption.

William and I quietly followed as she moved ahead. Soon, many other people in the area and nearby areas joined her. Many, if not all, people in the nearby area walked outside their houses and moved in the same direction, just like the old lady. No talks, no gossip, like they were walking together, but still alone.

Anxious feelings rose in William. Heavens, that's terrifying. Where are they heading?

"Can't be sure, but it seems as if they are gathering," I said in a low voice, "They are moving in the same direction."

If this, in fact, is a possession, I asked myself. How can these many people be possessed, and stay out of sight for so long?

We climbed down from the roof and followed the people. It was not long before our feet caught up to them, but none of them noticed. The group, including us two, soon reached the infamous streets of the 'red light area.' The lights in this area never went off and lit up the place the whole night, for obvious reasons.

As the group of people reached the area, their heads turned to each other and conversation broke out, making things look normal, and totally freaking us out noticing how their behaviour changed as they entered the area. Gorgeous, young and adult female lives walked out of their balconies, calling out in their obsessive voices, trying to attract the group, who presented themselves as normals.

William's eyes, for a moment, diverted toward a female in one of the balconies, stuck on her beautiful round face with a mole under her lips. The young lady smiled with amusement and embarrassed William looked back at the group of people. Laughter escaped the young lady, noticing embarrassed William, and her eyes stuck on him until we were out of the area.

Once the group walked out of the area, the conversation reduced before stopping completely, and the group was back to no gossip and eerie vibes.

The people slowed down, eventually standing in their place. I realised we were beyond the bridge, on the border of the old capital ruins. This place, around 50 years ago, was the main commercial area in the capital. After Industrialisation increased, the commercial area was shifted to the third arc, on the other side of the entertainment streets.

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