1: Beginning

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The world, at the time I started writing this story, is different from what it was when I once experienced these events. Of course, people won't remember that. After how the events ended, they are not supposed to remember. But everything I once experienced, and went through was real and this is more than a tale.

9 years ago—before the start of the events— in the nation of Rose, after my unusual retirement from the secret services of an organisation, I was brought for my good to Lydia, the nation on the continent beyond the sea. That was the very first time—when I was given a place to live and people to call family—when I was acquainted with him, with William.

That time, he was but a small child, a ten-year-old, as Jonathan, his adopted father, said. William and I soon got closer, like actual brothers. After the mysterious disappearance of Jonathan, though he wanted to spend his days alone, I started spending more time with William.

In Rose, there was no particular concept of energies and manifestation. The nation sure had its fair share of troublemakers and even some who possess strength beyond logical explanation. But after I had been brought to the Nation of Lydia, I came across these concepts like natural and internal energies, their flow, and the concept of manifestation.

People in all five nations of this continent possessed a higher amount of internal energies that, I was later enlightened, connected nature and existence on the planet to the cosmos. It was fascinating how I witnessed things beyond my scientific mind. People, with these energies, could connect themselves to nature and sense every element of the planet. The grass, the rock, soil and water, mountains and waterfalls, air . . . people, and the cosmos.

People with higher control over their conscious mind would use these energies, channelling a near-infinite amount of it at a single point in time, and summon physical objects; mostly small weapons and tools. People with lower control over their conscious mind used certain medical drugs to enhance their mental strength until it was later banned due to their side effects.

William was a brilliant person from his youth. Having an exceptional amount of control over his consciousness and his internal flow of energies, he had accompanied Rita—his childhood friend, 4 years older than him—in many not-so-normal cases and incidents. Thus, resulted in later having a reputation as one of the most reliable investigators.

Over the years, I saw him getting involved in many intense and complex not-so-normal cases, which people, including me, would name as 'cases regarding devils and spirits'.

Of course, it was much later when I understood the nature of their existence and their science beyond my understanding, that I realised what they were. But the majority of humans still denied accepting it. For them, anything beyond the explanation of their not-so-developed logical mind is alien, ghostly and in the category of magic and sorcery. Even a potential danger.

But, William's final case as a private investigator was when the mayor of Zora, his town on the outskirts of the nation, assigned him to investigate the mystery behind the old mansion in the town. I, too, accompanied him in that investigation and with a not-so-expected ending to that case, things changed for him and 'Zora town mansion' was William's last case as an investigator.

I shall, perhaps, cover that part of William's life sometime in the future. Although that incident had a very minor role in the overall events, it changed him and that incident indirectly connected him to a much greater series of events in the coming years.

These events I was a part of, for some reason, fascinated me, and I wanted to keep a record of it. 'Cause humans live for decades, but stories live for ages.



It was almost a month after the incident in the mansion in Zora, a town on the outskirts of the Nation. A month ago, there were rumours in the town about the mansion being possessed, which turned into major news when two people were found dead in the mansion's vicinity. Naturally, William, having the title of one of the most reputable investigators, the mayor had asked him to investigate the place and the case.

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