Chapter 43 Perfect Present

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That was how I woke up thanks to Sarah.
I asked her what was so important to wake me up and she said it has something to do with Ashley.
I sighed, I was still tired so I turned around trying to sleep again.

'Demi its 12 am, you should get out of bed'

'Maybe not', I said with my eyes closed.

'Damn you and Ashley had a really long skypecall if you are this tired'

'Just tell me what you want to say and I will decide if its worth enough to get out of my bed.'

'Well, you know paparazzi right? Stalking celebrities...Ashley has them too. Nothing weird about that but today she was spotted at an odd location. I thought you might want to know'

'Sarah...just tell me', I grinned still laying with my head on my pillow.

'Ashley was spotted at a sexshop. Apparently buying something', Sarah laughed at the end.

'What the...oh my god', I said. 'What is she up to this time', I sighed.

I decided to videochat her immediately. I made sure she couldnt see Sarah. I didnt even care I just woke up. Ashley has seen me like this multiple times and she said I looked beautiful then I hoped she said the truth.

It didnt took her long to accept the call.

'Hello natural beauty', she spoke. She looked so good especially wearing her beanie which I like so much. It looked like she was in her hotel room.

'Goodmorning', I blushed.

'Why are you calling me? Not that I mind though', a little smirk came onto her face.

'I saw paparazzi photos online and it seemed like you visited some remarkable stores.'

Ashley just laughed. 'I dont know what you are talking about'

'A sex shop Ashley', I said it.

'Was that so hard to say?', she laughed even harder. Playing innocent.
'You like it?', she asked twirling a blond curl around her finger.

That question caught me off guard. I dont know what to respond.
'Well I uh...have you visited stores like that before?'

'No baby. I went in there because I wanted to look around. I was curious. But you will find out if I bought something. Thats up to you', she smiled. That stupid innocent smile.

'I can play games like that too you know'

'Oh really?', she sounded sarcastic.

'Yeah watch.'
I grabbed my top, slowly pulling it over my head but before you could see my breasts I clicked the screen away.

Later Ashley called again. I denied but when she started calling more times in a row I accepted it.
'Not fair', she scoffed.

'So what are we going to do today?' Sarah chuckled while I climbed out of bed.



I laughed a little. 'We are going to shop. I need a birthday present for Ashley'

'Oh sounds like I am the perfect guest for that' Sarah smirked.

'We will see' I winked and I grabbed some clothes to get dressed.

'mom we are going'

'Hi Sarah' she smiled. Thank god she acts normal to them. I know how she didnt like them first because I chose them over Ashley. But now you could say Ashley is our family's favorite. She likes Sarah, Britney and Lilly now but still prefers Ashley.

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