Chapter 48 Let it all go

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Demi's p.o.v.

I wanted to lay in bed all day but I couldn't. I had to say goodbye to Regan. She was leaving, going back to her parents. Too bad she doesnt live near.

Regan and Sarah were busy with saying their goodbyes and kissing but Regan asked me where Ashley was. Apparently she got a text from Ashley. Ashley told her she loved her company and that she couldnt make it to say goodbye due to private reasons. I knew she meant me.
Regan was sad that Ashley couldnt make it. She blamed me for it because I was the one who broke up with her.

I guess she could blame me, everyone can blame me but enough is enough. No matter how happy Ashley makes me, I was sick of all that drama. Sick of feeling so happy and after so unhappy. I wanted someone who could keep me happy.
Just like a couple minutes ago. Ashley wanted to talk to me. I couldn't let her talk to me. She was right, I still love her and I dont want to lose her but I really think this is better. It takes some time. But when she talks to me, I know I will take her back. I am weak and still in love with Ashley.

My mind was wondering why Ashley was at the soccer field. Would she come all the way here just to talk to me?
That wasn't the case. Before the training began, coach told us Ashley is back on the team. He was smiling. No wonder it made the coach happy. He had his best player back. When Ashley left, we weren't good. We needed her but we wouldn't say that to her.
Although, she didn't totally abandon the team. Sometimes she came to watch the game, mostly because I was playing and she wanted to encourage her girlfriend.

Back in the dressing room Tamara stood in front of me.
'You know why Ashley comes back?'

'No I had no clue.' I was thinking about it too. Why does she suddenly wants to get back? To get closer to me and win me back?

'She better not thinks she can just come back', Karen spat.

Ashley's p.o.v.

At least I got back on the team. It hurts that Demi wouldn't talk to me or even look at me. I didn't want to hate each other. We should break up in the good way. I'm not saying I want to be friends because I already know how that will turn out.

At the moment I was kind of nervous for the interview. It helps to set my mind off things. Right now, I should tell everyone the truth. This doesn't make me happy. I shouldn't continue.
It felt like the microphone was staring at me. The lady who was going to interview me could come in everytime. I forgot from which magezine she was from, does that really matter? I hope I won't get much hate for quitting.

'I think we all can understand why you want to quit. And I am sure I speak for most of us when I say its too bad but we are thankful you gave it a shot so we got to know you. You are special Ashley', the lady ( her name was Brenda) said to me after I told everything.

I got tears in my eyes from her beautiful words. I am not going to cry, hell no.
'Its hard for me because I discovered on social media I have this kind of fanbase and its a little bit weird but I love them all. For them I feel the most sorry but I promise to keep posting things and keep interacting with you guys. I will try my hardest for soccer and make you proud.'

That was it. No more photoshoots, no more trips, no more interviews. No more awardshows too, well I would say award nominations because I am still allowed to go to them. I sighed, glad it was all over, almost.

'Ashley, we still have a couple questions we want you to answer. Because after tonight the chance is really low we will get those answers', Brenda asked.


'You went to jail due to drugs but that statement is false. But what is the cause?'

'My ex-girlfriend trapped me. She putted those drugs in my locker and called the police. Crazy I know. She still acts crazy because because of her Demi broke up with me', I cracked a little smile.

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