Chapter 11 Former enemy

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On my way to my first class.

Last night I had fun with Drew, well eventually I had. He was asking me all kinds of questions about me and Demi.

To be fair, I got some questions for him too. He met this chick, called Brandi at his party. I told him I want to meet this special girl and he smiled. Brandi had a twin sister who was a lesbian. So Drew suggested for a double date.

I did say I wanted to meet Brandi so now I have to accept the concequences. That means I have a date tonight -Monday- . Nothing will happen, especially not when all I think about is Demi. I sure wouldnt mind a date with her. Deep in my thoughts I stepped into to classroom.

The bell rang since it was time for lunch. I grabbed my black and red backpack and walked out of the classroom. I already saw Riley, Drew and even better Demi. Sometimes she sat with us and sometimes with other girls like Rachel and Tamara.

I was close when Julian tapped my shoulder. He gave instructions for me to follow him. My stomach turned, not only because I was hungry but because Julian is known as a part of the group who sells drugs. Karen was a part of it too because it earns her easy money she explained once.

Julian told me to sit with them at the table. Some of the members looked familair but they almost look the same. Short black or darl brown hair with a quiff and a lot of gel. I almost forgot the muscles, they work out a lot. They didnt look too bad, they always looked too dressed up. So at the first instant you would think they are nice guys but if you know better...

Marco (the leader) turned and sat next to me. 'Well Ashley, long time no see. Im sorry about you and Karen... I want to ask you something. It will be good for the both of us.

'What do you want?' I spat.

'My offer from a couple months ago, it still counts. I want you to work for me, people are intimidated by you and you know how to get into their heads. So what do you say? I will give you everything and I dont make this deals with everyone.' He had this little smile on his face.

'And again its a no Marco. Im sorry but I dont want trouble and I am happy at the moment. So its not necessary'

When I said that I walked away. That was smart because I was away before they could get a hold of me.

Suddenly I saw Karen sitting at our table with some kind of magazine in her hands.

'Karen what are you doing here? Go away, leave us alone.'

'Ash I wouldnt say that if I were you, I showed your 'friend' -she quoted the word with her fingers-  what you were doing Saturday Night. But I have this feeling you didnt tell her but when Marco talked to you, I decided I would do it for you as a favour. She smiled at me. I whish I could slap that stupid smile off her face.

' It was my pleasure Demi, bye.' She waved and blew a kiss at me.

I gave her the finger instead. Why would she do this...

I felt eyes burning on my back so I turned around and I saw Demi. She looked hurt and shocked.

Demi pointed at the picture of me and my family in some sort of fashion magazine. 'Tell me, this is you right?'

'Yes Demi but'

'But what? You could have told me so this means you dont trust me. And guess what Ashley, thinking about that it hurts. Friends are supposed to trust each other and if you dont trust me, then what am I towards you?' Her voice sounded angry. Her eyes narrowed at me and before I could speak, Demi said 'Talk to me when you have a reason which is good enough'.

Demi was gone. Drew and Riley looked at me. They felt sorry for me, I saw it in the look in their eyes. I didnt want sympathy so I asked 'Where is Karen? Its on'.

Karen was putting some things in her locker. It was awfully quiet in the hallway. I tapped on her back, her brown hair moved and brown eyes were looking into mine. This time, I could actually be the mature one who knows better but I pass.

So I pushed her against the blue lockers. That must have hurt her because the sound was really loud. I silently hoped no one heard it. My hands were on her shoulders, I made sure she couldnt move.

'Pretty hot this position huh?' Karen chuckled. That was it, she was near the edge. I was really pissed off. 'Karen why would you do this?'

'If I cant have you, no one can. Especially not her. I heard about your kiss, I cant let it happen. I still love you Ashley.'

'You should have realised that sooner before you cheated on me and why would you hurt poor Demi?'

Before she could answer me, I felt a force behind me. Mr Brown (the principal) seperated me and Karen. 'I already thought I heard something' he said. 'Miss Green, in my office right now!'

He took my hand and dragged me to his office. At that time, the hallway wasnt so quiet anymore. Lunchbreak was over. The hallway was full of students.

'This isnt over' I hissed at Karen while she just smiled.

Brandon and the other guys from the basketball team clapped for me. And yelled 'way to go Ashley!'

While I was walking towards Mr Brown's office many students were looking at me. But one look was different for me. It was Demi, she looked dissapointed.

Inside of Mr Brown's office he told me to sit down and cleared his throat.

'Just when I thought Mrs Green was doing a lot better compared to last year, I had to find you like this.

It was true though, last year I was at least once a week in his office. Mr Brown was a nice man but he could be very strict. Like this time.

'What are we going to do about this Ashley? You cant attack people and push them against the locker' he sighed. 'And detention wont help, you already have enough of that.'

It was silent for a while. Mr Brown was thinking how he should punish me.

'I got it, you are gonna help Loreen the lunch lady. You have to clean the tables and make sure the cafeteria is a clean place.

'For how long?' I sighed.

'I would say a week but that wouldnt be fair since you improved this year. So two days it is.'


Demi's p.o.v.

'Honey whats wrong?'

'Nothing' I replied to my mom.

'Dont lie to me, I can see something is bothering you'.

I told my mom about the fact I found out about Ashley's family. She never even told me! She is so rich and could have everything she wants, why didnt she say those things? Is she ashamed of me?

My mother was quiet the whole time. At the time I was done she said 'Im sorry Demi but Ashley told me once when we were waiting for you. I asked Ashley who her parents were and she told me then. She also told me she didnt tell many people because people would see her as a spoiled girl who could get everything she wants. She wants that people would see her for who she is not who her family is.

So my question to you is Demi : Did you like Ashley before you found out?'

'Yes but'

'See you did and that is all she wanted. Besides, did you ever ask about her family?'

I looked at the ground and mumbled 'no'.

'That means she didnt even lie to you. Ashley has other friends right?' I nodded.

'Do those friends know?' I nodded again.

'That means she would have told you eventually like she did with them'.

I felt so ashamed and guilty towards Ashley. 'Why are you always right?' I asked when I hugged my mom.

Authors note:
Hi, thank you so much for reading my story.

Im trying to update one or more chapters in a week.
And sometimes I will change the former ones too.
Thank you so much

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