Chapter 26 Shame on you

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Riley's p.o.v.

I saw them all laughing and I wanted to hit her on her head but I couldnt do that.

I sat down next to Demi.

'Uh hi Riley', she said but she sounded nervous.

'I wish we could have been friends but when you do this to my best friend, you cant expect me to just sit there doing nothing', I started but Sarah interrupted me.

'Leave her alone', she said.

'Excuse was I talking to you? Didnt think so. I will come back to you later', I winked.

I cleared my throat.

'You said you didnt need a girl who causes trouble but Demi, we both know Ashley deserves someone way better than you. You are the one who causes trouble now. Look at all the things what Ashley has done for you, just consider the things she said to you. And you? What did you do?

You dumped her, you left her when you were supposed to be there for her'

'Enough', Britney said.

But I didnt listen. I looked at Demi again and I saw she felt ashamed. That meant I was doing it right. She should feel that way.

I continued.

'Do you even know what she said to me when she got out? She was so happy to be free so she could hold you in her arms again and tell you all the things you deserved to hear.

Do you know what she said yesterday when she was crying? She told me the reason she was looking forward to be free was so she could be with you. And when she realised she didnt have you anymore, she told me she wanted to go back there. Go back to fucking jail. You're disgusting Demi. You said to her you didnt love her but the attention. I dont buy it. You may disagree with me now but at a point you will realise you lost her and that sucks. Have a good time with your 'friends'. '

'Dont talk to her like that', Sarah said and stood up.

'Oh I almost forgot I was coming back to you. Thanks for the reminder. Demi, your friend Sarah here used to have a big crush on Ashley. She is known here at school as stalker Sarah. Know who your friends are', I said and walked away.

I honestly didnt regret a little bit. Demi deserved it.


Demi's p.o.v.

My head started spinning and there was this feeling in my stomache. I had that feeling since I had been so rude to Ashley.

Riley was right. I shouldnt have done that. What was I thinking? But instead of admission I chose to play the cold hearted bitch.

I noticed Ashley was looking at me during lunchbreak. She looked hurt. She didnt look the same. I didnt know this Ashley. This one looks so vulnerable and sad. Like she has given everything up. It hurts to know its my fault. I am the one who could make her smile again but I dont see her the same as I used to.

I tried to tell myself I had made a good descision. But its looks easier than it is.

When Riley was gone, I turned to Sarah.

'Is that true?', I asked.

She nodded shyly.

It looks like everyone lies to me. Wait a minute, what if Sarah still likes Ashley? Maybe thats why she said I should break up with her. So she could have Ashley for herself.

'You want her for yourself, dont you?', I asked her.

She looked down and shook her head. 'I wanted Ashley to suffer like I did when she got together with Karen. But I got to know you and I really like you and want us to be friends', she smiled.

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