Chapter 7 Cheating Bastard(s)

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I let Demi cry, only then I could hear her story. When she is ready she will tell me and I hope that will be soon. A couple minutes later she was done crying and just looked at me. Her gaze wasnt happy like it usually is, it was hard to see. Something must have really broke her. Suddenly, Demi hugged me and whispered a thank you.

She cleared her throat and stuttered 'H-he ch-cheated on me'

'Rick?' I whispered

'She nodded.

'Im switching to girls know im better of with a girl. They wont cheat' she sounded serious.

I was confused. 'You said you were bisexual?'

'Yes but I only kissed a girl once and I was drunk that time. But I liked it, you know like that song and some girls are really pretty and I find myself attracted to them'

'Oh makes sense' I stated. 'But switching into girls isnt gonna work you know. You know Karen, our captain? Well I dated her but she cheated three times and thats when I saw I didnt love her anymore and it was obvious she didnt love me either anymore. Although she still claims she does'. So I told Demi the story about me and Karen and she said she felt sorry for me. Thats so sweet even when she is sad, she can be so sweet.

Demi looked so vulnerable right now but I really wanted to know how she found out he had cheated on her.

'How did you find out?' I whispered. Thinking about it made her cry, I hugged her and told her it was alright to let the tears go. Our bodies touching on her bed, I shouldnt have these dirty thoughts right now. Not when she is like this, what is wrong with me? I blame my hormones.

'I called him yesterday and it seemed like he didnt want to speak to me so I called him today. A girl named Tiffanny answered and asked who I was. She told me to back off and leave her boyfriend alone. When she called Rick her boyfriend, I heard voices at the background, it sounded like yelling and then she hung up. I tried to skype him but yeah...'

'I am so sorry Demi, he doesnt even deserve your tears. But let it out, thats for the best'.

Several minutes later we heard a knock on the door and her mom stepped in. She asked me if I wanted to stay for dinner, I didnt want to bother so I declined. But she disagreed and thought I should stay. Demi agreed too. 'Fine, it is a sweet gesture Mrs Night, I mean Jackie, thank you.'

'Look how politie and kind your friend is' Mrs Night said to Demi. Demi showed a small smile and said ' I am very lucky to have a friend like this'.

When Demi and I heard her mom shout for dinner, we went downstairs. I saw her father, he looked like a nice and polite man. He wasnt very tall but he had the same hair colour as Demi. He wears glasses too but Demi her glasses are more modern.

I shook his hand and introduced myself. He told me his name was Peter. Jackie made pizza. She had a special recipe and it tasted so good! I complimented her too many times but can you blame me when her food is so delicious!

Demi and I returned to her bedroom after dinner. 'I like the polite side of you' she teased.

'Well you better enjoy it because it wont last long' I said back.

Demi turned her laptop on and suggested we should watch a movie but that offer was off the table when a incoming skype call popped up. And yes, it was him.

'Is it okay if I talk to him right now? You dont have to leave. Honestly I think its better if you are here but he cant see you. Okay?'

'Okay good luck' I said trying to reassure her.

Demi clicked the green button and a guy popped into the screen. Too bad he is good looking. He has brown hair with those deep brown eyes and a perfect quiff. Perfect looks for a player like you, I thought.

'Hi babe' he smiled. He acted like there was nothing wrong, how could he be like that. I swear if he was in front of me right now...

'Dont babe me' Demi said sternly. 'I want you to explain that phone call.'

Hearing a deep sigh, Rick looked down and said 'I am so sorry Demi, I was stupid please...'

Demi didnt let him speak. You go girl.

'No Rick we are over. You should have realised that before. I felt something was wrong when I called you. Like seriously, how long has this been going on?'

'uh a month I think'

Demi started crying. I couldnt see her like that, I have to do something. So I decided to walk to the camera.

'I didnt know you have company, you should have mentioned. Especially when the company looks like that'  Rick flirted. Demi rolled her eyes and continued crying.

'Rick you are stupid. Why would you let a girl like Demi go? You are out of your damn mind. Go back to that slut of yours who cant compete against Demi in any way. And the sad thing is, deep down you know I am right. But it is too late now, you and her are done'. And after a simple click his face was gone. I looked at Demi, she smiled a little.

'That was impressive Ashley, thanks'.

'No problem if he ever bothers you again, call me okay? I will handle it. Im sorry but I have to go now although I feel guilty leaving you like this'.

'Its okay Ashley, thank you for everything. Im lucky to have you as a friend. Your parents must be worried, see you tomorrow.'

Only if she knew about my parents...

I was about to close the door when I remembered something.

'Demi got any plans tomorrow?'

'Not really why?'

'How about Friday?'

'Dont have any, why?'

My hand stroke my hair when I asked her if she wanted to go shopping tomorrow. I figured she might need a close friend this time. I know what its like and whenever I had this with Karen, Drew and Riley showed up and I couldnt be more grateful.

'Sounds fun! But why Friday?'

'You will be my company to a party okay? It will be a great opportunity to set your mind off and think of something else.'

'It sounds like a great idea so why not. But under one condition'

'Anything' I replied way too fast.

'I dont know many people so dont leave me alone there, please?'

Oh trust me Demi, I wont lose you since you're the only thing I am looking and thinking at for these past days. Sadly, I couldnt say that to her. 'I promise Demi, I will protect you' .

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