Chapter 19 Jealousy

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Ashley's p.o.v.

Demi said she needed time. Im okay with giving her time but I will continue my flirting. But for now I enjoy her watching the movie with me. Good thing she didnt pick a romantic movie, Im not saying I hate those movies but Im not fond of them.

That make out session before the movie though, that was intense. It took me everything not to go further. She laid under me if I wanted to I could do it but I know she isnt ready...yet. But when she is I will be there.

Demi's head snuggled in my chest when the bad guy put a knife in someone's knee.

'Scared?' I asked when I put my arms around her.

'Not anymore' she answered.

We stayed like that for a while. The names of the actors and actresses appeared on the screen and thats when I knew the movie was finished.

'Can I ask you something Ashley?'

I nodded.

'On our first date we went to the cinema but you have one in your house. Whats the use of that?' she chuckled.

'I actually havent thought about that. Most people dont know my parents are rich and well-known and they dont have to. I think I wanted to go the cinema in town because I wanted to be normal.

'Too bad you aren't normal' she laughed.

'Rude' I said and laughed later.

'I think I need to go home' Demi said. 'My mom must be worried'.

'Didnt you tell her you are here with me? She wouldnt be worried then'.

'I did but still we have school tomorrow and its 10:30 pm.' she replied.

I pulled her down to the grass. We were laying on the grass. 'Stay a little longer' I whispered into her ear. 'Please'.

'Okay but not too long Ashley. I mean it'. she whispered back. When she whispers things in my ears it turns me on. She doesnt even whisper dirty things but just her hot voice so close to me. She has no idea what she does to me.

Good thing we could see the stars. 'It is really beautiful Ashley' Demi said.

'What me or the stars?'

She chuckled 'the stars'.

'Oh' I said. I looked at Demi who was looking at the sky. I hold her hand and looked at her arm. I couldnt see new cuts thats good.

'Im proud of you' I said to her and kissed her forehead.

'For what?'

'You dont have new cuts thats good even though I left you but even when we fight I will be there no matter if we are fighting. A stupid little fight cant be in the way'.

'That means a lot to me, thank you Ashley. You know for caring' she smiled. 'But you have a new tattoo, why?'

'There isnt a story behind this one. Well maybe there is but I cant remember it. I was too drunk I guess' I honestly replied.

'I like this one too though. Its an encouragement to stay and be strong' she gave me a kiss on the lips.

I was about to open my mouth so she could enter but she stood up from the grass and told me she had to go.

'Do I have to take you home?' I asked her.

'No I came her with my car but thanks anyway'.

'Really? You can drive? Can I see your car?'

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