Chapter 18 Explain

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Demi's p.o.v.

Thankfully my plan to ignore Ashley worked out. I had one class with her but she ignored me too. Ashley didnt look happy and I noticed she got a new tattoo. I was wondering if it had something to do with me. At first I didnt think so, I thought she was already planning on it before. But when I tried to look at it, Ashley moved her arm away. I still dont know whats on her arm. I do know its a word.

When Ashley ignored me it looked like she didnt seem to care I wasnt around her as much as I used to. It made me a little bit sad but what could I have expected? This was Ashley, she wont show her feelings especially not in plublic.

At lunchbreaks I couldnt sit with her so I sat with my old group. Most of the time Nikki was talking so I just have to listen. At least it doesnt look like Im lonely then.

I was planning to watch a movie and laying in my bed all night. The movie could set my mind off things.

My mom knocked on the door. 'Demi, there is someone here for you'.

My mom didnt come in, I told her about the awesome date, she was so happy for me. But I also told her about our fight. She didnt even chose my side. My own mother thought Ashley had a good point.

A part of me hoped Ashley showed up and apoligized again. Even though I dont want to see her right now.

So I said to my mother: 'If its Ashley, send her back home'.

'Its someone else honey. He will enter your room now'.

He? Which guy would show up at my house? I couldnt imagine so my curiosity took over me and told the guy to come in.

To my surprise Drew opened the door and walked into the room.

'Nice room' he chuckled.

'Thanks' I blushed. 'Drew can I ask you what are doing here?'

'Its about Ashley and before you send me away please hear me out'.

I decided to hear him out besides he made his way to come here. It would be rude to send him away. And he isnt the one who Im mad at.

'Okay speak' I laughed.

'Chloe is Brandi's twin sister. Brandi is my girlfriend and I asked her to go on a double date with her sister and Ashley. I basically forced Ashley because she didnt want to go. But hey Im Drew, who says no to me?' He smirked.

I laughed and said 'idiot. Continue'.

'Okay then' He chuckled and looked at me with his pretty brown eyes every girl would fall for. 'I knew Ashley would be the tough girl. I ordered us alcohol because I knew that would loose Ashley up a bit. But Ashley doesnt even know I did that so please let this be a secret between us. A couple minutes later I already regret my decission. Ashley cant handle alcohol really well, I should have realised that before but it was too late. And to make you believe me' he winked. 'A good example is her new tattoo. Riley told me after you went home, Ashley was drunk and got a tattoo. So I think you could guess what happened in the bathroom. In my opinion I dont think Ashley remembered all of it so she didnt call or text Chloe back. Chloe wanted attention but didnt get it from her. It was bitchy to accuse Ashley of never calling her back and to ruin your 'relationship' he quoted in the air with his fingers.

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