Chapter 34 Too good to be true

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I knew that voice. I immediately turned around on my chair and I looked in the eyes of the ones I had been missing for days. The beautiful brown ones, the ones who sparkle the most when she smiles and automatically make me smile too.

'Demi', was all I managed to say.

'Hi Ashley', she smiled a little bit and introduced herself to Kendall who was sitting next to me.

I didnt even notice, I was looking at her. I simply couldnt look away, the dress she was wearing belonged to a beautiful girl like her. A light blue dress looked so good with her brown hair, the best sight I have ever seen.

'You came', I said.

'Yeah I got your invitation and I thought why not...can we eh talk Ash?'

I knew what she meant. Of course we had to talk so I nodded and took her hand. The touch of her hand in mine made me smile while I brought us to the restroom. I didnt care if the show would begin, some things are more important or should I say persons.

We finally reached the bathroom, on the way I saw camaras flashing and taking pictures of us which I understand. There are gonna be rumours but I will deal with that later.

I closed the door of the restroom and looked at Demi again. The space was not much but I didnt mind being close to her. This was a good excuse.

'Im so happy you are here and willing to talk to me Ashley. I appreciate it', Demi smiled.

I wanted to reply but I felt a soft finger on my lips.

'Its usually you who talks but let me go first okay?', she insisted so I nodded.

'I should have never said that Ashley. I should have known how hard that period was for you and I hurted you. I got mad at you but I was mad at myself actually for not being there that time. It makes me mad everytime I think of it. It hurts that I cant go back and fix it but thats the past. Ashley, I want you to be in my future. The future where I will be a better girlfriend because we both know you can do better and I wont let you down if you give me the chance.'

A few tears were forming in my eyes and I was fighting against them.

'I want to be in your, I mean our future too', I whispered. 'You are one of the few persons who knows my secrets and still loves me and for that Im grateful'

When I said that I hugged her. I wanted to have her in my arms again, giving me that safe feeling. I released her from the hug. I noticed she was looking at my lips before I wanted to put my lips on hers, she said: 'I will do this now because I cant do it outside.'

Before I knew what she was talking about I felt her soft lips on mine. The feeling I had missed for so long.

We came outside the restroom and walked back to our table.

'Had a nice talk ladies?', Steven asked.

'I dont think you can call that talking', Riley smirked and patted his shoulder.

'You missed most of the show', Kendall said.

'Some things are more important', I replied and hold Demi's hand.

'Ashley, you shouldnt do that here', Kendall tried to warn me.

'Why not? Maybe I should do this so that rumor about you and I will be over', I simply said.

'Who says thats a rumor', Kendall said and stood up.

My mouth dropped open, I didnt see this coming. I was too much in shock to go after her. Even though she will be far ahead I had to find her and talk to her.

'I have to go to get her', I said to them.

'I will see you Monday then?', Demi asked.

'I', I looked around, trying to see if I can see Kendall but she was out of sight. 'I wont be back by then. Because of all the succes they added more weeks. I will call you later Demi',I said and ran away to chase Kendall.


I found her in the same bathroom when I was there with Demi. I could hear her crying but the door was locked.

'Kendall let me in', I tried to say but the sobbings went harder.

I just stood in front of a door for a little while. Figuring out what to do. I hated to say goodbye to Demi like that, Couldnt I have a break so I can just be with Demi without drama.

I took a deep breath and kicked the door. The door flew open and I could see a heartbroken Kendall. Make-up everywhere, her red eyes because of all the crying, I hated to see her like that especially because it is my fault.

I walked to her and put my arms around her. After a while when I comforted her I softly tried to ask: 'Why didnt you tell me Kendall?'

The crying stopped and she tried to speak without hesitation but that failed a little.

'I knew it was useless because you love her. What was the point if I told you?'

'I would have handled it differently so you wouldnt be hurt. That was the least I could do. Im deeply sorry Kendall if I just knew'

'I wish it would have been different. I think the media knew but I havent said anything about you in particular.'


Demi's p.o.v.

It has been 2 weeks since I saw Ashley and that was at the Billboard Awards which I havent even watched. Ashley had called me on skype but halfway during our videochat someone entered her room and she had to go. The worst thing is that she doesnt know when she is coming back. It could be more weeks.

Now that we are good, I feel more relaxed but I still want her here with me. Why does it have to be so complicated?

Britney once said that maybe I should move on because there is always drama between me and Ashley and that isnt healthy and good. I agree with her but I love her too much to let go. This time I will make this relationship work. I drove off to sleep with those thoughts.

I thought I felt something warm on my cheek but when I focused on it, it was gone. But seconds later that feeling returned to my lips, it felt like a kiss. In an instant I kissed back but before I knew what I was doing I opened my eyes to see who I was kissing.

I realised I should had opened my eyes earlier because I couldnt believe what I was seeing. Ashley stood next to me while I was laying in bed. I took a look at the clock but it wasnt morning. It was 11:30 pm.

'Sorry I woke you up', Ashley said.

I didnt say anything back, I putted my arms around her neck and kissed her again, bringing her closer to me. While our lips were moving, I pulled her downwards to me so she laid next to me on the bed.

'Hot pyjamas', Ashley remarked when her eyes scanned my body when she broke the kiss. I looked down and saw I was wearing my black short top and grey shorts. They were too short but I only wear them in my bed so I dont care.

'How did you even get in?', I asked in disbelief. Still couldnt believe she was here next to me.

'I have my ways. I came through your window because I wanted to see you'

'I was dying to see you too, shouldnt you be in LA?'

'I had a couple days off so I took the earliest plane on the way here. But its late so maybe I'

'You arent going anywhere. I may be tired but I now have the chance to do all the things I wanted but I couldnt because you were away'

'Like what?', she smirked.

'This for example', and I kissed her deeply.

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