Part 40: Stupid kids

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"Hmm Dre?" You asked lazily.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Do you wanna swim with me? I'm pretty bored," you said.

"Sure, let's go," he said as you started walking towards the water.

You climbed on diving board that was about 3 meters high. You blushed when you noticed that Cheng was looking at you. After few seconds you jumped in the water not caring who was watching you. Dre jumped after you and took deep breath.

"That was awesome!" You yelled.

"Let's do it again!" Dre yelled as you both started climbing.

You smiled when you noticed one little boy. He wanted to jump but he didn't. Something was wrong.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you wanna jump?" You asked.

He looked at you and you looked at Dre not knowing what to do.

"Are you scared?" You asked and he nodded.

"Don't worry, you don't have to jump. Where's your mother--"

"Son, come here," one woman said and grabbed his wrist.

"I told you to stay away from those kind of people, it's not good for you," woman added and left.

Hand make way towards your chest. You looked at Dre with shocked expression on your face.

"Well, that was offensive," you said.

"Just ignore her, let's jump now," Dre said excited.

"Hey guyss, I will jump too!" Harry yelled and went towards you.

"Really? Someone got courage huh?" You asked and smirked.

Harry smirked and jumped first making you both shocked. Dre jumped after him. You were about to jump but someone interrupted your actions.

"Hey, is that, that 'gay' boy?" One girl asked feeling disgusted.

"Yeah, he is! He kissed a boy! A boy!" One boy yelled and they started laughing.

You sighed and went towards them. They were about three years younger than you.

"How old are you huh? 10? 9?" You asked and laughed.

"9," one boy said.

"Don't answer him! He'll kiss you!" Another boy yelled.

You wanted to kick his ass so bad but since he was a kid you couldn't.

"You want me to kick your ass huh? Listen kid, don't talk about things that you don't understand," you said.

"Hahah, what if we talk--"

Boy stopped talking when he noticed someone behind him.

"Move," Cheng said as they moved away letting him pass.

You smirked noticing their scared face.

"Do we have any problem here kids?" Cheng asked.

"N-no," one replied.

"Then, move. Another kids will jump too," Cheng said as they left.

"Thank you but I could handle them," you said.

"That was so disgusting of them. I can't believe that kids can act in this way," Cheng said.

"Me too. It was just unbelievable," you said.

"Wanna jump now?" Cheng asked.

"Yeah," you said and blushed noticing how he was looking at you.

Cheng pulled you close by grabbing your waist gently and kissed you. You blushed and kissed him too.

"Babe, n-not in public," you said shyly.

"Why? I want to show everyone that you're mine," Cheng said and smirked.

"After you," he said and you smiled.

Karate Kid - Cheng x male reader ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now