Part 19: Tournament (Part 1)

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Everyone was at the tournament. You all walked in a few minutes ago. Your heart was beating really fast and you were nervous as hell even tho you knew that you're not going to fight first.

''First round are going to fight, Cheng from Fighting Dragons!'' Judge said as people cheered for him.

''And Wu Ping from Fighting Spirit!'' Judge finished as people cheered for him too.

''You got this,'' you said and smiled.

He smiled and went on the mat. You were tensed but you knew that your boyfriend will win.

You were amazed by his last point. That hit in the chest was pretty painful.

''You kicked his ass!'' You yelled and laughed.

He laughed and looked at you.

''He's acting powerful while fighting you but he's weak when he's fighting me,'' Cheng said and smirked.

''Exactly,'' you said and smirked.

As time passed by your team was winning. You were happy along with your boyfriend.

''Next semi-final introducing Fighting Dragon, Liang,'' judge said and people cheered for him.

''And the surprise finalist, Dre Parker,'' judge finished as people cheered for him.

(just pretend that he didn't break his leg and that he didn't get disqualified)

You were scared for your friend but you remembered what Cheng said a few days ago. In the end Dre won as Liang went back to his team.

''It's okay, you did great,'' you said.

''Yes, you did great work,'' Cheng said trying to cheer him up.

''Next round we have Fighting Dragon, y/n,'' judge said as all of them cheered for you.

''And North Eagle, Chao,'' judge finished.

You scoffed as you saw that boy.

''You got this,'' he said.

You smirked and went on the mat. When the referee gave the signal that you can fight, you attacked first with all your aggression. He backed away a little. You smirked knowing that he's scared of you. You tripped him with your leg causing him to fall on the map. You runned fast towards him and punched him in the stomach.

''POINT! 1:0,'' Judge said and showed red flag.

The second round he attacked first. You didn't backed away that much. When he meant to kick you, you jumped and did a roll in advance. You got up fast and kicked him in the back.

''POINT! 2:0,'' Judge said.

The third round you attacked first and tripped him. He almost kick you in the face but you managed to dodge the punch. He got up and started attacking with all his force. You held his wrists and throw him on the map. You kicked him in the face with your leg shocking everyone.

''POINT! 3:0 FOR FIGHTING DRAGON, Y/N!'' Judge said as you went back to your team.

They all hugged you and you hugged them back.

''That was awesome!'' Zhuang said.

''Yes, he was on firee,'' Liang said and they all laughed.

''I knew that you would win,'' Cheng said and smiled.

''Thank you for cheering for me,'' you said.

''Always love,'' he said making you blush.

Karate Kid - Cheng x male reader ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now