Part 22: Champion

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Master Li went to judge and whispered something. 

''Okay people! We have good news! Y/n is going to continue fighting!'' Judge yelled as people cheered for you.

You faced your enemy and made really strong and firm fists. You looked at your boyfriend who was looking at you with 'you got this' look. You smiled and turned around. You started fighting first since you wanted to win because you were tired. He was about to hit you but you held his fists and throw him on the ground. You jumped on the ground and kicked him in stomach with your elbow.

''2:2!'' Judge yelled and raised red flag.

You smiled knowing that you have confidence now. He punched mat with his fists and got up quickly. He glared at you and made his position.

''FINISH HIM!'' Master Li shouted when fight started.

You kicked Wu Ping in the face hoping that he will fall on the ground. He managed to keephis balance and runned towards you. He held your waist again making you disgusted. You got really angry and before he could throw you on the ground you kicked him in the face with your elbow.

''NO POINT!'' Judge yelled making you all shocked.

''W-what--'' you said but then dodged one dangerous punch that was coming from Wu Ping.

You looked at Cheng who was shocked just like others. Dre was also worried about you. You sighed and made serious face. You were so tired now. He held your hand and throw you on the ground. Before he could punch you, you held his wrists and throw him on the ground. You wrapped your legs around his neck. He was trying to catch breath but since he couldn't he started tapping his hands on the mat as sign of surrender.

''3:2!'' Judge yelled as you smiled.

You went back to your team who was already celebrating. They all hugged you and congratulated you.

''I knew you would make it,'' Cheng said and smiled.

''Thank you,'' you said and smiled.

''Judge was cheating,'' he said angrily and looked at Wu Ping.

''Yes, I was scared,'' you said slowly as he looked at you.

''You're safe now,'' he said and hugged you again.

''In the final round will fight, Fighting Dragon, Cheng!'' Judge started as people cheered for him.

''And Mind Control, Huang,'' judge finished as people cheered for him too.

The first two rounds were easy. Cheng was in the lead of course. It was thrid and finally last round, which will decide kung fu champion. Huang was about to punch Cheng but he dodged it and jumped on him. He wrapped his legs around his neck and throw him on the mat. Huang was tapping the mat since he wanted to breath.

''Ladies and gentleman! We have kung fu champion! Please let's give a applause for Luwei Cheng!'' Judge yelled as people started cheering.

You were so proud of your boyfriend.

''And second place goes tooo....y/n!'' Judge yelled as people started cheering for you.

You smiled and held trophy.

- Time Skip -

''You were awesome dude!'' Dre said.

''Thank you. You were also awesome,'' Cheng said.

''How about we all go to one restaurant and celebrate?'' You suggested.

''Sure, let's go,'' Cheng said but you noticed that someone was behind you so you turned around.

''What is it now?'' You asked annoyed.

''What do you want!?'' Cheng yelled and stood in front of you.

''Relax. I just wanted to apologize,'' Wu Ping said.

''Apology accepted,'' you said as he left.

Karate Kid - Cheng x male reader ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now