Protector of the North (The Snow Queen's Revenge) Bloopers

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*Cut to Elizabeth and Valerie dressed as Stella and The Snow Queen in the opening battle sequence*

"I'm the star! I'm the moment! It's all about me!" Valerie yelled as some men in green bodysuits pushed and pulled her around in the harness.

*Cut to Valerie and Elizabeth stage fighting in a green screen room*

"You robbed me first. She wanted me to have it," Elizabeth as The Snow Queen hissed before she charged at Valerie. Valerie was thrown off for a second before Valerie was struck across the face with the spear, which left an actual gash.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she walked towards Valerie, who was still in shock.
"Cut please!" Michael yelled.
"Are you okay?" Elizabeth asked Valerie. Valerie looked at her hand which was slightly bloody, then to Elizabeth.
"Are you kidding me?" she yelled. "You just gave me the coolest scar! Elizabeth Mitchell scarred me for life!" Valerie yelled triumphantly.
"Oh, boy," Michael chuckled.

*Cut to Santa walking in on the E.L.F.S. squad in his office with a tied up Stella*

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here, guys?" asked Tim as Santa.
"Santa, sir. We have a code red," said Kenny.
"What happened now? Why is my daughter restrained–and, wait–why are her eyes so red? Did you guys give her those special brownies?" Tim asked. "Those were mine!"
This made the kids, Valerie and the crew laugh.
"Tim, not in front of the kids," Valerie giggled.
"Cut please!" Michael called.

*Cut to Valerie flying in her harness in a green screen room*

Valerie as Stella is flying with a very serious and angry face, when all of a sudden...
"I'm flying (Flying, flying, flying) Look at me way up high, Suddenly here am I I'm flying."
Valerie sang as she flew around the set, the crew behind the camera started laughing. "I'm flying (Flying, flying, flying) I can soar, I can weave and what's more I'm not even trying!" Valerie continued singing.

*Cut to David and Elizabeth in the armory*

"We need to protect ourselves from the Snow Queen and most likely Stella, so we need to make sure we prepare and prepare correctly," David as Bernard said as he grabbed a few ornaments and placed them in his satchel.
"Ornaments? What are those for?" asked Elizabeth as Carol.
"They're grenades," David replied.
"Oh," David replied as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. David then grabbed a couple of decorative candy canes.
"Okay, what are the candy canes for?" asked Elizabeth. David tapped the candy cane on the ground and it ended up breaking half. The broken half bounced up and hit Elizabeth on the side of her head.
"Oh, shi–" David cursed before the rest of the sentence was covered up by Elizabeth's laughing. "I'm so sorry," David apologized as he checked to make sure Elizabeth was okay.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," Elizabeth laughed.

*Cut to Valerie and Elizabeth fighting in the ice fortress*

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Valerie as Stella yelled as she held the spear against Elizabeth as the Snow Queen's throat.
"You're so obsessed with power, it's sickening. Who would go through all that just for a necklace that gives you the power of a tiny pathetic star," Valerie grumbled.
"I see the Shattered Sight has done a great deal to your mind. But, sadly your heart remains in the right place," Elizabeth said.
"Not for long. I'm about to kill you, Snow Queen. And you won't ever have the power you yearn to have because it's mine! All mine!," Valerie screamed. She then lifted the spear and let out a battle cry before she pretended to stab Elizabeth in the heart and Elizabeth exaggerated death.
"Blood! Blood! Blood! And death," Elizabeth said dramatically before she laid back down, closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue.
"Yes, the Snow Queen is dead! I can finally go on a lunch break," Valerie said as she pretended to wipe sweat off of her forehead.
"Cut please!" Michael yelled.

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