Chapter 7: The First Vows

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Third Person POV

Carol, Abby, Betty, Mother Nature and Edie were in Stella's room helping her get ready.
"Ah, why do I feel so nervous?" Stella asked as Carol helped her with her hair.
"Because, that's how it always is when you first get married. Standing out there as a bunch of people watch you and your significant other tie each other's knots," Carol replied.
"You'll be fine," Betty said as she stood next to Stella. "It's usually terrifying at first. But, once you look into his eyes, all that terror and worry washes away."
"Is that how it was like when you married Noel?" asked Stella.
"Not at all. I knew what I was doing. But, it also didn't help that Noel kept trying to make me laugh during the ceremony," Betty replied. Stella giggled.
"That does sound like something Noel would do."
"--Hey, everyone. Sorry I'm late," came a voice. Everyone turned to see Judy. She looked older and taller now but still had her pointy ears.
"Judy, thank goodness. We thought you wouldn't make it," Stella said as she stood up. The two embraced.
"I could never miss you and Bernard's wedding. I got so excited when I got the invitations," Judy replied.
"Girl, you need to tell me your aging secret. You look great!" Stella said as she admired Judy's now older features. Judy giggled.
"I'll tell you later. Let's finish getting you ready," Judy said as she sat Stella back down at her vanity. Carol finished her hair and Edie helped with her makeup.
"Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Oh, girl. You look just absolutely muah!," Edie said with a chef's kiss.
"Thank you, Edie. You did an amazing job," Stella said as she admired her work.
"And now the dress," Carol said as she took the dress out of Stella's closet. The girls helped Stella into her dress without ruining her hair or makeup.
"Now the shoes," Abby said as she held up two white heels. Abby helped Stella put on her shoes.
"Alright. Now with the old, new, borrowed and blue," Betty said.
"I have some blue earrings," Stella said as she walked over to her jewelry box. The earrings were simple but they were beautiful.
"Okay, now how about old?" asked Betty.
"Ooh, I have this vintage necklace from the 1800s," Judy said as she took out a necklace from her satchel. "It can also work as something borrowed."
"Great. Now we need something new," Betty said as she looked around. Everyone paused and looked around.
"Ooh, I found something," Stella said as she walked over to her nightstand. She grabbed a red rose pin.
"I made this for my other wedding but there's no law against wearing it twice," Stella said as placed the pin right above the left breast.
"Okay, now it's just the bouquet," Carol said as she grabbed a bouquet of different colored roses. She handed it to Stella and Stella took a deep breath.
"Okay, I'll go check on the boys. I'll be right back," Carol said as she left the room.

Meanwhile, Bernard, Santa, Curtis, Noel, Charlie, and Quintin were helping him get ready.
"Bernard, will you hold still?" Curtis said as he fixed Bernard's hair.
"Well, you're pulling too hard," Bernard whined. "I don't know why I let you help," he said.
"Because I'm good with hair, duh. Have you seen my beautiful locks?" Curtis asked as he flipped brown hair. Bernard rolled his eyes.
"Bernard, are you almost ready for your tux?" Santa asked as he grabbed Bernard's white tux out of the closet.
"Almost. I just need Hair–McGee to finish my hair," Bernard replied. Curtis yanked on his curls. "Ow!" Bernard winced.
"Don't be such a baby. I'm almost done," Curtis said as he finished combing Bernard's hair.
"Lookin' good, Bernard," Charlie said with a smirk.
"Thanks, sport," Bernard said as he stood up from the chair he was sitting at. He walked over to Santa and grabbed his tux. He went into the bathroom and got changed. When he came out, he looked very different but also very dashing.
"Wow," said Santa.
"He looks so different," Curtis said.
"You look very dashing, mate," Quintin said to Bernard.
"You guys have no idea how nervous I am," Bernard said as he walked out of the bathroom.
"You'll be fine, Bernard. You're lucky enough as it is with me letting you go through with it," Santa said with a chuckle.
"I know. Thank you for your blessing, by the way, Santa. I couldn't love anything or anyone more than I love your daughter," Bernard said as Santa walked over to him.
"You have made my daughter the happiest she has ever been. Of course I'd give you my balance. Not that I like ya or anything," Santa said with a laugh. Bernard blushed as Santa patted him on the back. Just then, someone knocked on the door.
"Come in," Santa said. Carol walked in.
"Are you guys almost ready?" Carol asked. She then looked at Bernard. "Wow. Don't you look charming," Carol said to Bernard.
"Thank you, Mrs. Claus. We're just doing mental preparation at this point," Bernard said with a nervous chuckle.
"That's okay, so is Stella. Well, let us know when you're ready so we can get everyone to the courtyard," Carol said before she closed the door.
"Okay, Bernard. You ready?" asked Santa.
"As ready as I'll ever be," Bernard said with a nervous smile.

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