Part 3; Chapter 1: Impatience

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Third Person POV

When Stella was told she'd have to wait until her and Bernard could get married, she wasn't told how long. It's been a whole year and a half since he made his promise. Stella was getting impatient and now she was starting to believe Bernard had forgotten the promise, or just decided not to keep it, which rightfully frustrated Stella. She was starting to wonder if Bernard was procrastinating on purpose. As much as she wanted to push away those thoughts, she couldn't help but let them invade her mind. She would talk to Carol about her problems and Laura when she visited but all the advice they gave couldn't seem to reassure her. All she wanted was Bernard and not even he could provide himself for her. Not enough anyway. And whenever Stella tried to bring the subject up to Bernard, he changed it in an instant, which Stella thought was suspicious.

It was getting close to Stella's recharge date and she was getting grumpier by the day. She didn't want to express the behavior in front of the other elves, so she locked herself in her room and worked there. Abby would occasionally bring in hot cocoa for her but, today, Stella refused, which she never does.
"I brought hot cocoa for you, Stella. Made the way you like it," Abby said as she came into her room. Stella was sat at her desk, writing.
"Not today, Abby. I'm just not feeling it today," Stella said, glumly.
"What's wrong?" asked Abby as she set the tray down on Stella's desk.
"Just not feeling it today," Stella replied, not looking up from her book she was writing in.
"Why not? Even on your bad days hot cocoa seemed to cheer you up," Abby said, worriedly.
"I don't think it will today, Abby. I'm sorry. Maybe next time," Stella replied. Abby frowned.
"Something's wrong. I know it. Do you want me to get Santa or Bernard for you?" asked Abby. Stella looked up and shook her head.
"No, I'm fine. Really. I think I just need to recharge a day early," Stella said.
"But, you have that council meeting today, remember?" Abby asked. Stella sighed.
"Oh, that's right," Stella stressed. "What time is the meeting?"
"In five minutes," Abby replied. Stella stood up from her desk.
"Okay, I guess I should be on my way then. Are we hosting or do we have to go somewhere else?"
Stella asked.
"Santa's hosting. So it should be a short trip for you," Abby replied.
"Thanks, Abby," Stella said before she walked out of her room and started heading towards her Dad's office.
"--Stella!" came a voice. Stella knew who it was and decided to ignore it.
"Stella!" the voice called again. Stella continued walking.
"Stella!" The voice was now closer than ever and had grabbed Stella's shoulder and turned her around.
"What Bernard?" Stella asked, with a little bit of venom in her voice.
"You're going to the meeting, right?" asked Bernard.
"Yeah, what of it?" Stella asked as she crossed her arms.
"Can you tell them...we have some new ideas on how to increase toy production so that we're over prepared instead of underprepared?" Bernard asked. Stella sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Sure, whatever," Stella said, with an attitude. She turned around and Bernard stopped her and turned her back around.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's with the pouting?" asked Bernard.
"Don't worry about it. It's not like you'd be willing to listen anyway," Stella hissed before she turned around again and started walking.
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" asked Bernard.
"You know exactly what I mean, you just won't admit to it," Stella replied as she continued walking. Bernard paused for a moment.
"Stella, if this is about–"
"--Of course that's what this is about!" Stella yelled before she turned around and faced Bernard. "That's all I've been thinking about! But, every time I try to talk to you about it, you always change the subject and that's not right. I want this more than anything right now and you're constantly avoiding it and I have no idea why because you won't tell me," Stella ranted as she glared at Bernard, who gulped.
"I-It-It's a little bit more complicated than that, Stella," Bernard told her. He seemed nervous, terrified even.
"How complicated can it be for you? All you have to do is drop down on one knee and ask me the question I've been waiting for for a long time. Even before you made that promise to me. I've been waiting and waiting but you never made the effort. I feel like–"
"Feel like what?" asked Bernard. Stella paused and stared at Bernard.
"You know, what? Forget it. It doesn't matter anyway," Stella said before she turned back around.
"Obviously it does, Stella, talk to me!" Bernard pleaded as he began to follow Stella again.
"How can I talk to you if you won't even talk to me," Stella said as she continued her way to her Dad's office.
"I'll talk to you, Stella! Just please don't do this," Bernard begged as they approached her Dad's office. Stella turned around to face Bernard one last time.
"If you want to talk, you're going to have to wait until after the meeting," Stella said before she opened the doors, walked in, and closed them on Bernard.

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