Chapter 14: Christmas

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I soon got over the fact that we kidnapped Charlie. He actually turned out to be a great help.
"Charlie's got some great ideas on how to keep you two safe." Bernard said to my Dad and I as we made our way down the stairs to our construction site. Charlie and a few other elves were working on the slay.
"Santa, this is Quintin, head of research and development," Bernard introduced.
"Quintin, good to meet ya," Dad greeted as he shook Quintin's hand.
"Hello, Santa," Quintin greeted. "Charlie and I have put our heads together, and I think we've got a few surprises for you two," Quintin told us.
"This is some of the best stuff that's come out of the workshop since the ball," Bernard said before he turned and walked away from the site.
"Fabulous. What happens if I fall off the roof?" Dad asked as he trailed behind Bernard.

I haven't told Dad about the whole magic thing and the fact one of my main jobs was to fight off a Snow Queen I still haven't met yet. So I decided that on the day that was supposed to be my birthday, I was going to tell him. Dad was in his new office, checking the list.
"Hey, dad?" I asked.
"Yes, dear?" he replied. He didn't look up from the list.
"You know how I'm your assistant and stuff, right?" I asked.
"Yeah," Dad replied, still not looking up from the list.
"Well, there's more to my job than JUST being your assistant," I replied.
"Oh, yeah? Like what? Making toys?" he asked.
"No...I'm supposed to protect the North Pole," I replied.
"Oh, yeah? From what? Yetis?" Dad asked, jokingly. I giggled.
"No, actually. A Snow Queen," I replied. Dad choked on his cocoa that he was currently drinking.
"I'm sorry, what?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah. So apparently there's a Snow Queen that lurks somewhere outside the Pole and is now after me, since I now hold the power of Bethlehem that she, for some reason lusts after," I replied.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Go back a few chapters. What's all this about a Snow Queen, Beth and Ham, what is that?" Dad asked. I sighed and explained it all to him. By the end of the story he was absolutely bewildered.
"So, that necklace that Bernard gave you is what put you in danger in the first place?" Dad asked. I shrugged.
"I'm pretty sure as soon as I put on the hat and grabbed the book I was in danger. But, it is what it is and there's nothing either of us can do to change it. I've been training for months. I can do so much with my magic now. That's one of the reasons why I was able to go back home and back to the Pole. I've been training so I'm sure I'll be just fine," I told Dad. Dad sighed.
"I swear if anything happens to you, I'm going to kill Bernard," Dad said as he pointed at me.
"Bernard already promised that nothing will hurt me. And I trust him," I told Dad. Dad gave me an unsure look and I had an idea.
"How about I take you to my training site and show you what I've been working on," I suggested. Dad stared at me for a minute.
"Fine, fine. Let's go," Dad said before he took off his glasses and got out of his chair.
I led him to my training site. I had Kenny set up some moving targets and non-moving targets.
"You ready?" I asked Dad. He looked at me nervously. I smirked and started to form a spear of ice in my hand.
"Whoa," my dad said, taken aback. I smirked and threw the spear. I hit one of the non-moving targets perfectly. I then showed him my orb trick and shot another non-moving target.
"Silver Bells!" my dad yelled, surprised. I smirked and made another spear and ran to attack the moving target. I won within thirty seconds of fighting it. I finished it off by knocking the head off of the target, earning applause in return from the surrounding Elves.
"Whoa! Stella, you have magic?" Charlie asked in excitement as he ran to me.
"You bet, I do," I told him as I scooped him up in my arms.
"Stella, you'll never guess what I did," Charlie said, excitedly.
"What?" I asked.
"I made my first toy!" Charlie said, cheerfully.
"You did? I'm so proud of you," I said in the same tone.
"I made them for mom and Neal," Charlie said. My face fell a little but I still made sure to smile. For Charlie. 

The next thing we worked on was a fireproof suit for Dad. Since he was the one going down chimneys and all. I was only responsible for keeping the names. The suit was being tested right before me and Dad's eyes.
"Fireplaces will no longer be a problem," Bernard told Dad as he crossed his arms and smiled as he watched the suit getting fire thrown at it. The mannequin they used to test the suit was completely melted.
"It's a new fabric. Completely flame retardant,: Quintin said as he and Judy approached the suit.
"It's light, yet durable," he continued.
"And you can wear the jumpsuit under your coat and pants," Judy explained.
"But what do I do if I fall off a roof?" asked Dad.
"Comet's working on that," I replied.
"Comet?" asked Dad. I smiled and nodded

My Christmas Star ( A Santa Clause Story Ft Bernard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now