Chapter 5: The Past is the Past

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Stella's POV

"You revolting little child. You'll pay for all you've done," The Snow Queen growled.
"All I've done? Oh, please. You started the fight. I'm only finishing it," I said with a smirk.
"Not this time," the Snow Queen said in a low grumble. She then took something out of a pouch that rested on her hip. It looked almost like dust.
"Once you get a little dose of these, everything and everyone you've ever loved will fall apart right in front of you. And you will be the cause of your own downfall," the snow queen said. She then threw the particles at me. As they flew towards me, I then realized just what those particles were.
"Oh shhh–"
I covered my eyes and tried to create a shield of ice. I just didn't react fast enough...

I felt pain in my eyes for just a split second before I felt as if I was floating upwards. I uncovered my eyes and looked up. It felt as if the starry sky was getting closer and closer. I then looked down and realized the sky wasn't getting closer to me; I was getting closer to the sky. Not only that but, I was also having an out-of-body experience. I was flying upwards from the cliff and my body was recovering on the ground as the Snow Queen flew away.
"Oh, no. Don't tell me..." I said. My voice echoed. I looked back up again and I was getting closer and closer to not just the sky, but Bethlehem. The brightness of her star stung my eyes. I covered them as I muttered to myself.
"No, no, no, no, no..."
"--You are not dead, if that is what you think, Christmas Spirit," came a voice. I uncovered my eyes. It was white all around me.
"Who–who said that?" I asked as I looked around. Just then a young female figure, who couldn't be older than fifteen or sixteen appeared through the light. She wore a blue gown that fell to her feet. She reminded me a lot of the blue fairy in Pinocchio, except without the wings.
"Hello, Christmas Spirit," she said with a warm smile.
"You're Elizabeth Stea, aren't you?" I asked. She nodded.
"Yes, but you can call me Bethleham," the girl replied.
"What am I doing here?" I asked.
"I couldn't allow your soul to get possessed by the curse that now possesses your mind, so I sent you to me," Bethlehem replied.
"But, if my soul is here, what is happening to my body?" I asked. Just then Bethlehem waved her hand in front of us and an opening created itself. It reminded me of a television screen.
"As Shattered Sight does, it possesses your mind and freezes your heart," Bethlehem said as she zoomed in on a scene of me fighting with Kenny and the Squad. They ended up capturing me and tying me in a ribbon.
"Thank goodness for Kenny. I don't know what I would've done if they hadn't reacted as quickly as they did," I said with a sigh of relief.
"Christmas Spirit, there is something you should know about the Snow Queen," Bethlehem said as she closed the screen.
"Are you finally going to reveal to me why she's so blood-thirsty for your power?" I asked.
"Yes," Bethlehem replied. She then reopened the opening and this time, something else appeared.
"Long ago, before my passing, I met this girl named Ingrid Oldenburg. She was being sold to slavery one day..."

I looked at the scene laid out in front of me. A young blonde girl, who, looked to be around eleven or twelve, stood in chains on a wooden stage in front of a crowd.
"I bid fifty!" said a man.
"One hundred!" said another.
"One hundred and twenty!"
"One hundred and fifty!"
The young blonde girl panicked.
"No! No!" the girl screamed as a board labeled "Sold" was placed around her neck. She was then grabbed by a man and taken off stage. She was placed in a group of sold slaves.
"--Psst!" came a voice. The young girl turned around to look for the voice.
"Psst!" the voice hissed again. This time the young girl saw a hooded figure a few feet away from her. The figure signaled her over. The young girl looked around her before walking over to her.
"Follow me," the figure said. The young girl looked around and nodded. The figure turned around and slowly walked away and the young girl slowly followed.
"--Hey, my save is getting away!" came a man's voice.
"Run!" the hooded figure yelled. The young girl and the figure started to run. Men chased after the both of them.
"This way!" the figure yelled before they took a turn. The young girl followed the figure in pursuit. The men still followed them.
"In here!" the figure yelled as they headed inside some sort of pub. The girl followed behind her. The figure closed and locked the door behind her. Luckily the men had not followed them and walked right past the pub.
"Oh, thank you. You saved my life," the young girl said. The hooded figure undid their hood, which revealed themselves to be a girl the same age. It was Elizabeth.
"You're welcome. I never agreed with slavery, anyways. I would have freed you all but that's something my father and his men do. I only take care of them one at a time. Soon, when I'm a full grown woman, I'll do it all myself," Elizabeth said, pridefully.
"Wow, you're my age! And you just saved my life! How can I ever repay you?" the girl asked.
"Well. I'd like a friend," Elizabeth said. "I'm Elizabeth Stea," the girl said as she stuck her hand out.
"I'm Ingrid Oldenburg," the young girl said as she shook Elizabeth's hand.
"Ingrid. That's a lovely name. I'm sure we'll be great friends," Elizabeth said with a smile. Ingrid smiled back.

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