Part 4; Chapter 1: Homesick

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"All right, class, if a reindeer leaves Elfsburg flying west at 20 miles per hour, and another reindeer flies east traveling at 50 miles per hour, how many hours does it take for them to be 210 miles apart?" Mrs. Claus asked the class. The elves shrugged and exchanged looks with each other.
"Anyone?" asked Mrs. Clause. One of the elves slumped in his seat as if to hide from being called on.
Just then, a young girl elf raised her hand.
"Trish," Mrs. Clause called on the girl.
"How come we can't learn the things that we want to learn?" asked Trish.
"Like what?" asked Mrs. Claus.
"Like...wasn't it weird when you married Santa and you had to move all the way up to the Pole and give up your old life Mrs. Claus?" asked Trish.
"Weirder than you can possibly imagine," Mrs. Clause replied as she shook her head. "But then something so gigantic happened that it changed Santa and our family forever."
"Like what?" asked Trish as the class suddenly leaned in, intrigued and interested.
"Okay," Mrs Claus smiled.



"Baby Clause is on the way!' Santa yelled as he pushed Mrs. Claus in a stretcher out of their room. "Ladies, keep up," Santa told the nurses that were following him. "We need hot water and a lot of ointment!"
"Scott!" Mrs. Clause yelled as she tried to get her husband's attention.
"You, think sugar plums," Santa told his wife. "Do not panic! Do not panic!" Santa yelled as he sharply turned the corner, which caused Mrs. Claus to scream. They were now in the hallway.
"Curtis the baby is coming!" Santa yelled to Curtis.
"Cocoa, the baby's coming," Santa yelled at cocoa.
"Mrs. Claus, the baby's coming!" Cocoa yelled excitedly.
"I know!" Carol yelled with a scream.
They left the building and got out into the courtyard, which grabbed every elf's attention. Bernard and Stella, who were having a walk, saw what was going on.
"Oh goodness. It seems like the baby is on its way," Bernard said as he pointed to all the chaos going on in front of them.
"This better not be another false alarm," Stella said, annoyed. "Let's go."
The two followed the crowd carefully and tried not to get hit with all the things the elves were throwing to try and get out of Mrs. Claus' way.
"Jeez, that woman can really scream," Stella said as they joined the group following Mrs. Clause and entered the elfirmary.
"Push," Santa said as he pushed through the doors and stopped. Everyone crowded Mrs. Clause.
"Oh, oh, Scott," Mrs. Claus panted.
"Everything should be alright. Everything's gonna be alright," Santa said. "Where's Dr. Hismus?" he asked.
"Oh, oh, Scott," Mrs. Claus sighed.
"I'm right here, babe. I'm right here. It's all right, Mrs. Claus," Santa reassured.
"Honey, I'm afraid it was a false alarm," Mrs. Claus said as she caressed her belly.
"Aww," all the elves said in unison.
"Again?" said an elf.
"I stopped a pedicure for this?" another elf questioned.
"I swear, I'm going to be having these babies before she does," Stella said before she and Bernard walked out of the room along with everyone else.

*A week Later*

Bernard and Stella were in their room. Stella was on the couch, drinking cider.
"So, my darling. Have we thought of names for our little bundles of joy?" Bernard asked as he sat on the couch with Stella.
"Yes. Since we're having twins but we don't know the genders, we need to be prepared for all the possibilities. Whether they're both girls, both boys, or one of each," Stella replied. "If they're both girls we're going with Holly and Evangeline."
"And if they're two boys we'll go with Nicholas and Christian," Bernard said as he placed his hand on his wife's belly.
"And if it's both we'll just choose a name we already have," Stella replied. She then sighed.
"What's wrong, my love?" Bernard asked his wife.
"I'm just upset. We haven't told anyone we plan to retire. I'm afraid they're going to be so upset," Stella said, glumly.
"Don't worry, Stella. I'm sure they'll all understand. Remember, I am very old and you're about to have kids and it's going to be hard to focus on our jobs and raising kids," Bernard said as he tried to reassure his wife.
"I know, but I've only been doing this job for almost eleven years now. Am I really ready to retire? I mean, I know I can never retire from being Christmas Spirit Herself but as my Dad's assistant? I mean–we're thick as thieves. It would break his heart," Stella said, sadly.
"Yes, but sooner or later your dad is going to have to understand that he can't hold on to you forever. We all need to distance ourselves from our families sooner or later in life. Right now seems like a good time. You're married, pregnant and a grown up. Those all seem like good reasons to retire," Bernard said.
"Not to mention I got beaten up by a woman one hundred times my age and almost died because of her," Stella said with a chuckle.
"If that isn't a reason to earn your retirement I don't know what is. I know you haven't been Santa's assistant for as long as an elf would but I think it's time," Bernard said. Stella nodded and rubbed her belly.
"I think we should make this Christmas the best one we've had if we're going to be retiring," Stella said.
"How can we do that?" asked Bernard. Just then, Curtis walked in.
"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Bernard asked, annoyed.
"Bernard, do you have any idea how much we've fallen behind since you two decided to step down from your positions?" Curtis asked sternly as he ignored Bernard's question.
"Yes, I'm aware that the production line has been set back," Bernard said with a stiff nod.
"Not only just been set back," said Curtis. "It's been set back so far behind that we need you on the workshop floor immediately," Curtis said to Curtis.
"Curtis, are you nuts? Stella is pregnant and I'm far too busy trying to figure out where we're going to be living once we retire," Bernard argued.
"I'm sorry but I missed the part where that's my problem," Curtis snapped. "You two still haven't told Santa or Mrs. Claus that you two are retiring once the babies are born and that's on you. And until you tell them, we need you on the floor. And Stella?" Curtis said before he gestured to Stella.
"The Legendary Council has called an emergency meeting," Curtis replied.
"Curtis, I can't go to a meeting. I'm pregnant and Dad is far behind and has a lot of work to do," Stella replied.
"The know that. That's why they came here," Curtis replied.
"They're here? Where?" asked Stella.
"In the kitchen," Curtis replied.
"The kitchen? Why is it there and not my dad's office?" Stella asked.
"No clue. That's all I know. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go inform Santa," Curtis said before he left the room.
"Maybe we should've chosen Betty to be our head elf," Bernard muttered.
"Curtis has a point. I'm gonna go down to the kitchen and get a snack before I go to the meeting. Why don't you take a break from looking at pictures of houses and go make some teddy bears for our babies," Stella said as she got up. Bernard sighed as Stella left the room.

My Christmas Star ( A Santa Clause Story Ft Bernard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now