Chapter 2: Welcome to Canada, Eh?

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"Hey girl, we both miss you like crazy," Ariana said over a video call on Stella's computer.
"I miss you too. I would come down to visit but–"
"We know," Ariana and Jade said in unison.
"We're gonna be the godparents, right?" asked Jade.
"We haven't gotten that far yet," Stella giggled.
"Hey, how about Jade and I come down to see you instead! I know plane tickets to Canada are like stupid expensive but, we'd be willing to waste our entire paychecks to see where you work," Ariana suggested.
"I don't know guys, it's just..." Stella paused for a second. "Hey, you know what? That might not actually be a bad idea. Let me talk to my husband about it and I'll let you guys know," Stella said before hanging up the call. She then went to find Bernard on the workshop floor.
"Honey! Honey, honey, honey, honey," Stella said repeatedly as she approached her husband who was working on teddy bears.
"Yes, angel?" Bernard said as he stopped working and looked over at his wife.
"Since we're already disguising the North Pole as Canada, I was wondering if...I can invite Ariana and Jade over as well to spend Christmas with us," Stella said. Bernard's eyes widened.
"But, Stella. Santa's sleigh will already be full since the in-laws are coming," Bernard replied.
"I know. That's why I would like you to do it," Stella said, bashfully. "Remember that magical moving truck that flew us to the North Pole? We could just transfer the engine over to my car and you can drive them there. I'd rather not try and use my magic to turn the truck into a different vehicle because magic takes a lot out of me now since I'm growing two babies inside me," Stella said as she caressed her belly.
"But what about your friends? They can't be awake when I fly them over here to the Pole," Bernard insisted.
"Well, Sandman will be helping my dad with the in-laws, maybe if you ask nicely I'm sure sandman will help you out with the girls," Stella suggested.
"Okay, I'll bring out the truck and have some elves take out the engine, put the engine in Santa's bag then go with him so I can change your car engine out and use it to bring the girls here," Bernard said with a sigh.
"Yay! Thank you, my love," Stella said as she quickly kissed Bernard on the lips.
"When is Dad leaving?" Stella asked.
"Tonight. Which means I should probably let him know now," Bernard said.
"Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and let the girls know to pack their things," Stella said before she walked off and returned to her room. She grabbed her phone and called Jade.
"Hey, guess what," said Stella.
"No way," said Jade.
"Pack your things girls. You're coming to Canada!" she yelled. Jade and Ariana squealed through the phone, which caused Stella to pull the phone away from her ear for a second.
"No way! When?" asked Ariana.
"Tomorrow, Bernard should be there. He's going to pick you up at the apartment in my car, take you to the airport and fly with you guys," Stella replied.
"Okay, sweet. We can't wait to see you, girl. We're packing right now as we speak," Jade said as Stella heard some shuffling in the background.
"All right, I'll leave you girls to it and I'll see you tomorrow," Stella said before she hung up. She checked the time and decided to go down to the stables where Bernard and Santa were getting ready in the sleigh. Comet and Chet were the two reindeer they decided to use.
"Hey, sweetheart," Santa said to his daughter.
"Hi, Dad. Bernard, you have the engine, right?" asked Stella.
"Yes, I do. I'll see you tomorrow," Bernard said to his wife. The two shared a kiss before Santa whipped the reins and the two flew off. Stella decided to spend some time with Mrs. Claus, watching some movies and crashing on the bed together while Santa and Bernard went to deal with business in Illinois.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" Scott laughed as he and Bernard arrived at Laura and Neal's house.
"Boys, boys, save it for the stables, will you?" Bernard scolded the two reindeer who were messing around.
"Look down there. They got a new roof," Scott said as the sleigh descended downwards. "Easy! Easy!" Santa yelled as Comet and Chet pulled the sleigh down faster than they were supposed to.
"--Uncle Scott is here!" Lucy yelled from inside the house as she ran through the living room. Charlie chased after her with a smile.
"Lucy! Coat! Laura called as she grabbed a coat.
"--Hey, get a load of this," Comet said before he broke wind, which caused him and Chet to laugh.
"Comet!" Scott scolded. "Next time we fly, go easy on the alfalfa, will you?"
"But, it's funny," Comet said before he broke wind again.
"Uncle Scott!" Lucy yelled as she ran to her uncle and hugged him.
"Hey, Luce. There we are," Scott said as he hugged Lucy.
"Hey, Bernard," Charlie greeted his brother-in-law.
"Hey, sport," Bernard said as he returned the hug.
"All warm?" Lucy asked as Santa broke the hug.
"Just like magic," Scott replied. "You have the warmest hug in the world," Scott told Lucy.
"I could go for a warm hug," Bernard said.
"Hi, Bernard," Lucy said as she hugged her brother-in-law.
"Hey Lucy-goosey," Bernard greeted.
"Are you all warm too?" Lucy asked as she broke the hug.
"Very warm," Bernard replied.
"Hello," Comet greeted.
"Hi Comet," Lucy said before she ran over to the reindeer.
"Hey, son," Scott greeted Charlie.
"Hi, Dad," Charlie greeted as he hugged his dad.
"A few days early, aren't you? Aren't those babies due any moment?" Laura asked as she hugged her ex husband.
"Oh, we got lots to talk about. Hey, Neil," Scott greeted. "That's a...that's a good-looking sweater vest," he told Neal.
"It's reversible," Neal said as he flipped up the vest.
"Well, of course it is. All right, let's go inside," Scott said as he put his arms around his son.
"Lucy, come on," Laura called to her daughter. Lucy left Comet and Chet and caught up with her parents and went inside.

My Christmas Star ( A Santa Clause Story Ft Bernard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now