Chapter 2: Shattered Sight

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Stella's POV

I woke up a lot earlier than I usually do on a recharge day. I got dressed in a different outfit than I usually did. I wore something more comfortable and more breathable so I was able to move around easier for when I'd have another confrontation with the Snow Queen. I decided to wear a white and gray suit to blend into the environment I was going to enter. I walked over to E.L.F.S. HQ where Kenny and the others were waiting.
"Alright, I'm ready," I told them after I walked in the door.
"If you're ready, then we are," Kenny said as he and the others stood up from the round table they were sitting at. I nodded and Kenny and the Squad grabbed their jetpacks and items that were secret weapons.

We made our way to the elevator and we all got inside. I was in the back of the elevator so that Kenny and the squad could protect me from any blows the Snow Queen could hit us with. The elevators opened and it seemed like the coast was clear but we couldn't take any chances.
"Stay back, Stella. We'll check the coast for you," Kenny told me. I nodded and Kenny and the Squad pointed tube-like weapons all around as they exited the elevator. Kenny signaled for me to step out of the elevator. I did so with caution. Kenny and the rest of the squad circled me to create a ring of protection as I stepped closer to the edge of the cliff. My necklace started to glow and Bethlehem started to shine. The elves who were standing guard in front of me, moved out of the way but still close enough to where they could protect me in case the Snow Queen showed up and decided to strike me in the middle of my recharge. Bethlehem's beam then came down on me and shot into my necklace. I braced myself and made sure to keep my balance so that I wouldn't be thrown off. I closed my eyes, trusting that Kenny and the others had their eyes peeled. And luckily, I was able to restore all my power without any interruptions.
"Good job, gang," I told Kenny and the squad. The squad all pat each other on the backs to congratulate each other.
"Okay, now what?" asked Christian.
"Well, I'm sure the Snow Queen will be here soon. I'm going to wait for her," I said.
"Wait, that wasn't part of the plan," said Kenny.
"It was part of my plan. You did your part and quite well," I told them.
"We'll wait with you," said Mary-Anne.
"You can wait in the elevator. I want the Snow Queen to think I'm alone. Keep your ears open and listen. I'm sure you'll know if I need help," I told them.
"We don't want you to get really hurt like last time, Stella," Kenny said, concerned.
"I'll be okay, Kenny. I'm able to use my healing powers all year around now," I reassured as I placed my hand on Kenny's shoulder. The wind that was blowing on us suddenly changed direction.
"Now, go. I'll be fine," I told them. "The Snow Queen is coming."

Kenny and the squad went to the elevator and I backed up to the doors of the elevators, which soon closed. I stood guard as I felt the wind get stronger and stronger. I braced myself for an attack, but was instead just simply approached by the figure in the white cloak that covered her face.
"You must be really naive to have chosen to restore power today considering I know you and the others have been watching me," The Snow Queen said. Now that I think about it, her voice sounded really familiar.
"And you must be really naive to think I didn't already if you knew you were being watched," I said nonchalantly.
"Maybe you're not as stupid as I thought you to be," The Snow Queen said as she began to get closer to me.
"And maybe you're not as smart as I thought you to be," I said in the same tone as I stepped closer to her and away from the elevator.
"Today is not the day to make me angry," The Snow Queen growled.
"You're right. Today's the day where you explain the true reason as to why you want Bethlehem's power," I replied. "I know it can't just be for the power. No one is that desperate for magic that heralds Christmas," I said as I stared the Snow Queen dead in the eye.
"The magic of Bethlehem does more than just herald Christmas. The power of Bethlehem is being abused by you because you're not using it properly. It's not supposed to be used to make your little holiday magical," The Snow Queen told me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Then what is it supposed to be used for? Since you seem to know more than I do," I said as I crossed my arms.
"I didn't come here to chat. I came here to take back what was stolen from me," The Snow Queen said before she pointed her icy spear at me.
"I hope you realize snatching the necklace and killing me won't do anything for you. The entire legendary Council has my back and will make sure you won't be able to hurt anyone else. You will disappear permanently. Not just be banished," I said as I slowly created an ice spear in my hands.
"If your powers were really supposed to be used to herald your little holiday, you wouldn't be able to make any type of defensive weapon," The Snow Queen said as she pointed at my spear with hers.
"You have a good point. But how can I know what my powers are supposed to be used for if you won't tell me?" I questioned as I pointed my spear at her.
"You wouldn't understand the personal meaning behind the power. Only I can, which is why I should've been the chosen one" The Snow Queen said as she stepped closer. I backed up.
"But Saint Nicholas prophesied me, the daughter of one of the future Santa Clauses. Not you," I said as I shook my head.
"That doesn't matter. That stupid old man had a dream, not a prophecy. He always confused dreams with reality," The Snow Queen said, frustratedly.
"And what's wrong with making your dreams a reality? Becoming Christmas Spirit Herself was the best thing that's ever happened to me. It made my life so much better than it was and you're trying to not only rob me from that life, you're trying to rob me from life itself," I hissed.
"You robbed me first. She wanted me to have it," The Snow Queen hissed back before she charged at me. I was thrown off for a second. Who was she? It couldn't have been the Mrs. Claus back then, could it? I was struck across the face with the spear, which left a gash. I refocused and struck back at the Snow Queen. Our spears clashed and we parried. I knocked her off balance and pushed her back. She slid over to the edge of the cliff. I ran over and tried to kick her off the cliff but she blocked my kick with the body of her spear which threw me off balance and knocked me down. The Snow Queen quickly got up and got on top of me, straddling me. She tried to grab my necklace. I used my upper body strength to try and get her off of me just enough to where I could use just one hant to restrain her so I could form an orb in my hand to throw her off me. Luckily, I was able to get her off of my just enough to where I could restrain her with one arm so I could form an orb in my hand. I formed the orb and threw it at her, which caused the Snow Queen to fly back to the edge of the cliff. I got up and held my spear at my side. The Snow Queen got up and started to fly upwards. I levitated upwards to get up to her level. I glared at her.
"You know, I was going to give you a chance for you to explain yourself. But, I guess, I'm really going to have to hurt you," I sneered. The Snow Queen's eyes grew colder than they were before. She flew at me and I flew upwards to dodge but she came up behind me and struck me in the back. I yelped in pain and turned around. I threw an orb at her, which caused her to fly back a few yards. I used my healing powers to heal my injuries, which helped me regain my strength. The Snow Queen Soon came flying back at me but at an incredible speed. She flew past me and struck me in my right arm. I screamed in pain and threw another orb at her with my free hand. I quickly healed my arm and decided to try something. I made the spear in my hand disappear and made two different orbs in my hands. I pushed the two together to create a bigger orb. The Snow Queen came charging at me from the other side and I threw the large orb at her, which sent her back flying at a much faster speed than a regular orb would.
"Oh, damn," I said to myself in shock. "That did a lot more than I thought it would. It took a minute before the Snow Queen could rebound back to me but I simply hit her with another large orb. When she came back that time around, she was panting.
"You need to stop doing that," the Snow Queen said, out of breath.
"Hmm, let me think about it," I paused and pretended to think. "Yeah, no. I don't think so."
I then threw another large orb at her causing her to fly back once again. I chuckled and crossed my arms in satisfaction. I think I was really starting to tire her out so maybe she'll leave and leave me alone for another year or so. Maybe then she can confess her attitude problem to me.
She came back but at a much slower speed.
"You revolting little child. You'll pay for all you've done," The Snow Queen growled.
"All I've done? Oh, please. You started to fight. I'm only finishing it," I said with a smirk.
"Not this time," the Snow Queen said in a low grumble. She then took something out of a pouch that rested on her hip. It looked almost like dust.
"Once you get a little dose of these, everything and everyone you've ever loved will fall apart right in front of you. And you will be the cause of your own downfall," the snow queen said. She then threw the particles at me. As they flew towards me, I then realized just what those particles were.
"Oh shhh–"
I covered my eyes and tried to create a shield of ice. I just didn't react fast enough...

Third Person POV

Stella screamed in pain as the shards cut through her skin. The Snow Queen grinned, evilly. When Stella thought it was over she slowly and cautiously uncovered her eyes but of course, the Snow Queen threw another round of shards at her. This time, two shards entered her eyes. Stella screamed in pain.

Just then, Kenny and his crew came flying out of the elevator doors in their jetpacks. Stella slowly levitated down as Kenny and the squad flew up at the Snow Queen but the Snow Queen flew away before they could get to her. Kenny and the others flew down to check on Stella.
"Stella? Stella! Are you alright?" Kenny asked as he placed his hands on her shoulders from behind.
"Get away!" Stella yelled as she flinched away from Kenny's touch.
"I'm sorry. Does it hurt when I touch you?" asked Kenny in a concerned voice.
"No, just go away! I don't want or need your help," Stella hissed as she covered her eyes.
"Stella, let's get you out of here. You're distraught," Kenny said as he tried to help Stella up, but Stella flinched away from his touch again and pushed him away.
"Get away from me, you stupid boy! I can take care of myself," Stella Spat as she quickly looked up at Kenny. Kenny noticed that both of her eyes were bleeding. Kenny took a step back.
"Oh no," Kenny said.
"What is it? What's wrong with her?" asked Christian.
"We have a code red. This isn't Stella," Kenny said.
"Isn't Stella?" asked Mary-Anne.
"Well, it is. It's just, it's not her talking," said Kenny.
"What's making her?" asked James.
"Stella has shattered sight," Kenny said. All the elves of the squad exchanged looks.

Kenny and the squad had no choice but to tie Stella up and return her to the Pole by force because she refused to go anywhere. They got her to Santa's office and placed her in the lounge chair in front of his desk. They called Santa to his office. When Santa got to his office he was more than shocked to find Stella tied and restrained.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here, guys?" asked Santa.
"Santa, sir. We have a code red," said Kenny.
"What happened now? Why is my daughter restrained–and, wait–what's wrong with her eyes?" Santa asked as he looked at his daughter's blood shot eyes. "Why hasn't she healed?" asked Santa. Stella glared at her father and went to say something but couldn't due to the fact that her mouth was covered as well.
"She has Shattered Sight, sir. Anything she says will be cruel and cold-hearted. She is no longer herself," Kenny explained.
"Can't she heal herself out of it?" asked Santa in a concerned tone.
"I'm afraid not, sir. She refuses anything you suggest to her. We had to restrain her to get her away from the cliff because she wouldn't go on her own," Kenny replied.
"Is there a way we can cure her?" asked Santa.
"There is. But we need to get Bernard and he'll need to be vulnerable for it to be able to work," Kenny replied.
"Vulnerable? How so?" asked Santa. Kenny leaned over to Santa and whispered the answer in his ear. Santa raised his eyebrows.
"Okay, I'll go get Bernard, you all keep an eye on her," Santa said to Kenny and the Squad. Stella struggled in her seat as Santa left.

Santa made his way to Bernard's room but he wasn't there. He tried looking in the kitchen, he wasn't there either, he then checked the workshop. He wasn't there either. Eventually he ran into Bernard who was talking to Mrs. Claus in the cafe.
"Bernard, I need you. Now. It's an emergency," Santa said sternly as he caught both Bernard and Carol's attention. Bernard quickly got up and followed Santa. Carol swiftly followed behind.
"Santa, what's wrong? I was just talking to Mrs. Claus about the propo–"
"--That's going to have to wait. Stella needs you," Santa said as he quickly made his way back to the office.
"Stella? What's wrong?" Bernard asked, now very concerned.
"She had another confrontation with the Snow Queen," Santa said.
"The Snow Queen?" asked Carol.
"But, she's not hurt, is she? She can heal all year around now," Bernard said, worriedly.
"She is hurt and she's refusing to heal. The Snow Queen did something to her," Santa replied. Bernard and Carol exchanged looks with each other as they followed Santa.
" don't mean...Shattered Sight?" Bernard asked, nervously.
"Yes, Bernard. That's exactly what I mean," Santa said before he opened the door to his office. He was expecting to find everyone right where they left them, but no. Instead, Kenny and the squad were tied up at random places around his office. Kenny was tied in Santa's office chair.
"What in the love of candy canes happened here?" asked Santa in shock. He went over to Kenny and undid the covering on his mouth.
"Kenny, what happened? Where's Stella?" asked Santa.
"I'm sorry, sir. She tricked us. She got loose, tied us up and escaped," Kenny said, out of breath.
"Do you know where she could've gone?" asked Santa.
"No, sir. All I know is that she flew out of the window, there," Kenny said as he pointed to the open window of the office.
"Oh no," Santa grumbled as he, Carol and Bernard ran to the open window. They leaned over the balcony and looked in different directions. Santa looked down at the polar bear who was directing traffic.
"Hey, Eddie! Did you see where Stella flew?" asked Santa. The Polar bear roared in response.
"You sure?" asked Santa. The Polar bear growled in response. "Okay, thanks, Eddie!"
"What did he say?" asked Carol.
"She's headed towards the hole." 

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