A Mistake

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It was difficult for Sky to travel with Iris at first. She would start crying due to the change in environment on every flight. He initially thought of leaving her in Phuket at the resort with his managers and staff. But he could never bring himself to part with her, so always took her along, no matter how hard it was to handle her on the plane. But today she was calm. Maybe she got used to it by now, Sky thought. He smiled at her and said, "Even you are happy today, aren't you? Papa will finally graduate and now he can give all his time to Iris and the resort. No more studies and projects right?". Iris giggled like she understood what her dad was saying.
    They landed in Bangkok two hours later. And fifteen minutes later they arrived at the ceremony hall. Sky handed Iris to the nanny and put on his Graduation robe and hat. "You look amazing Mr Sky. Like the clear blue sky...", he stopped mid-sentence to the disgusted look on Sky's face. "Haha! Uh.. sir let's hurry up they have started calling the names". Sky looked at the entrance and all he could feel was dread and trepidation. He just hoped that he wouldn't have to meet that person  here. He would just take his diploma, meet Rain and fly back to Phuket.
     All of them entered the hall, Kom and the nanny with Iris in her arms walked away to sit in the family row. Sky looked around and spotted Rain sitting in the front row. 'Why does he have to sit there?', Sky thought. The Hall was decorated in the same colours as their gowns - black and yellow. On the dias stood the principal and a few alumini. The alumini were handing over the diplomas to the students. His name was about to be called. He hurried up and went to the front row.  He went over to the seat beside Rain and sat down. "You are late. Your name's gonna be called any minute now", Rain loud whispered. Sky smiled at his friend's goofiness. He then said, "I'm sorry, I had to take care of Iris, you know how she..", Rain interrupted Sky's excuses by saying, "yeah, yeah, it's fine. You brought Iris with you? Where is she? Can I see her in the crowd?", Rain looked around eagerly. "You'll get to meet her later. Stop squirming in your seat and look ahead", Rain stopped squirming and looked at the dias. "Don't worry I asked P'Payu, P'Pai won't be attending the ceremony today. So it's fine", while saying this Rain looked at Sky's face to see his reaction. Sky didn't know what to say. Just hearing his name out loud after 2 years hurt. It was like hearing a song you loved, after a very long time. It made you feel both nostalgic and sad.
   "Wasuthorn Chaijinda", the principal called out and everyone started clapping. Sky quickly got up and walked towards the dias. "And our alumnus Thitipong Sengngai will be handing him the diploma". People were still clapping but all of it sounded muffled now, like he was hearing voices while in water. Time seemed to slow down. Sky went over in a daze. The man infront of him looked the same as two years ago. But now his eyes held only disgust unlike the love they used to hold back then. That look in his eyes triggered all those memories Sky was trying to forget. Coming here was a mistake, he thought. Sky looked away and  snatched his diploma from Prapai's hand. He then turned around and walked off the dias towards the back of the hall where Iris and others were. All the while remembering...

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