Beginning of the storm

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   The flashbacks were so vivid. Sky was at the racing track when he encountered Gun. His breathing hitched and cold sweat ran down his back. Gun approached him slowly, like a predator approaching his prey. Sky could only back away. He had the strength to fight Gun but what Gun did to him back then had instilled fear deep inside of Sky. He wanted to call Prapai, wanted to run into his arms and hide. But Prapai was nowhere in sight so all Sky could do was stand there trying not to show the fear on his face. But Gun knew he was afraid. He had made sure to leave that fear in Sky when he let his friends rape him.
   "What a coincidence", Sky said in a shaky voice. "I thought... you were already broken. Look at you. P'Pai fixed you until you are as good as new", Gun was standing too close, that smirk on his face sent chills down Sky's spine. This was too much for Sky, "My condition has got nothing to do with you. Now if you'll excuse me", after saying this he tried to quickly walk past Gun. But Gun grabbed his wrist and yanked him back, "You have gotten bolder after becoming P'Pai's boy". Gun the brought his face close to Sky's ear "You really think he is serious about you?", by saying this Gun was playing at Sky's biggest insecurity. Sky struggled to get his hand free. Instead of letting go Gun's other hand crept up his chest and grabbed his throat then Gun whispered, "Don't be naive". Sky pushed him away and said, "He is not fucking scum like you. Stay away from me" he then turned around and started walking away. Gun let him go 'just for now', he thought, smiling to himself.
   Sky tried to look around for Prapai when his phone rang. "Mr Sky?", it was his father's assistent at the resort. "I'm sorry to inform you that your father has passed away. You are now the owner of all his assets including all three resorts in Phuket. I need you to hurry back to sign the required documents", everything seemed to stop. His father, his friend, the one person who cared about him and loved him unconditionally was gone. Sky thought he ought to cry, but maybe the news hadn't completed settled in. He could only stare ahead while the assistent went on and on about procedures. Rain ran upto him and asked what was wrong, saying he looked pale. Sky couldn't form a sentence so he stayed silent. Then Rain said something to someone and took Sky towards his car. Rain made him sit in the car and took him to some place. They entered a building and then walked towards a room. Sky was in a daze all the while. Rain said something about resting and left. Sky was still reeling from the news when a sound of something crashing startled him out of his trance. What he saw next made Sky momentarily forget about his father's death.
   Gun walked into the room with his group of friends.

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