9. Family Hamato + Special!

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I'M ALIVE! I'm sorry that I was gone again- BUT! Here is a new chapter and a little special! The special has nothing to do with the plot or timeline of this story. Its just a little apology for dissapearing again!

I hope yall are not mad and enjoy! ^^


'Urgh.. I hate living hereeee.. I really wanna punch them in their face...DID THEY JUST—. . . No... why tf did they just eat a piece of the table..? I shouldnt be suprised at this point..'

It was... chaotic, to say the least. The [L/N]'s had dinner again. Well.. lets just say that It was interesting for the young teen to sit and eat with his family. He wanted to be left alone but did he get what he wished for? No. Why? Because the universe hated him apparently. He just wanted to eat in peace but Nooooo.. his cousins were fighting next to him. One took a bite out of the table and the other one was debaiting if they should bite the poor boy or cause a scene. In the end the poor [H/c] head got bitten by that little shit. He hated it.
When his family was FINALLY done eating, they all got up and left. The teen decided to go into his room and prepair for his meeting with his turtle friend later on.

The teen was mumbling something to himself as he thought about hanging out with his friend. They have been texting with eachother nonstop and called from time to time. They got along perfectly! Like two peas in a pot! They understood eachother and shared similar interests! Not to mention the fact that both teens are neurodivergent, mentally unstable and want approval and appreciation from a parental aged person.

As the teen was done packing some stuff for his hangout later, he realised that his grandfather could feel when someone is missing inside the house. But did he care? At this point, No. He just wanted to get out and have some fun! He wanted to be a teenager and not just "the family dissapointment" He wanted to live.
And who gave him a better life? His turtle friend. Sure, they havent known eachother for a LONG time, but they were still close. The teen didnt know how they became such good friends in the short amout of time they spend together, but he was glad that they did.

He got his stuff, opened the window, jumped out and ran away. If only it would be so easy for him to escape the life with his family. He can only be gone for a while, If he would be gone for more than 24 hours, his family would notice this. They would look for him, not because they are worried.. but because they dont want the teen to know too much. If he would get close to the turtles, he would have information about the family that he shouldve never known. They are afraid that the teen would get close to them.
Well too bad cuz that already happened!

The young teen was now sitting on a rooftop, looking at the city from above.

"New york, what a town.." He said to no one but himself as he waited for his friend to arrive, who was already waiting in the shadows.

Donnies POV

'And this goes over here... that goes over there.. and OH— THAT goes in here.. Aaaaaaand...'

"Done! HAH! I am a genius!"

I had just finished updating my weapons, to just give them a little bit of  ▪︎Spice▪︎ so that they could ☆DAZZLE☆ like any other invention of mine! I felt like I forgot something but shrugged it off for now. I got up and made my way to the kitchen.

"Wow. Coming out of your Lab? Rare sight these days!" Said Leo with a smug expression.

"Scoff... Shut it Nardo. I can be in my lab for however long I please! Also.. I just came out here to get myself some coffee."

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