(16.5) Shiro.

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This is just another small filler chapter! And its about our beloved Trans Boi Shiro!

I think you guys deserved to know a little bit more about just WHO he is and he deserves more time tbh

SO! I hope you guys are curious about our dearest Older brother Shiro<3

Mira L/n.
Or so it appears.. Mira isnt their name. Not anymore.
This, this is Shiro L/n.

You see.. Shiro is trans, he had know for a while, but hasnt told anyone.. until recently.
The only person that knew was Y/n. His younger brother. He trusts and values him alot.

Due to him being born in a female body, he has smaller wings, but bigger horns then Y/n!

If we're being honest.. this poor boy hates to be related to the L/n's! Well.. besides Y/n.

Shiro cares deeply for his younger brother, it might have seemed like he hated him.. but he never did. He admired and loved Y/n, afterall.. what are siblings for?
He would do anything to protect him.

Shiro is that kind of person that seems pretty distant at first but will warm up to you sooner or later depending on how you treat him and Y/n.

You hurt y/n? He doesnt trust you. Well atleast, he need more time to trust you unlike he needs with others.
(*cough* Donnie..*cough*)

You have to earn his trust and he will only respect you if you respect him.
Its a give and take.

Once you know him a bit better, you will get to see his soft boy side! He might seem all tough and buff... But~ he is a real softie! He loves head pats and hugs from behind!
It makes him feel like he is actually welcomed there and like he can trust those around him.

Now, Shiro doesnt really open up easily.. but once he trusts you- Oh boi.. he will talk alot!
It doesnt matter about what.
He would just come up to you and start a conversation like;

"Good morning! I hope you slept well.. say- do you know that one in two people is apparently kinda fruity? Yeah.. its you. Dont fight me on this one... Oh! And did you know– blah blah blah..."

So yeah.. be prepaired for a ton of shit talk! No matter where or when.. he will talk.

He isnt the best with people either.. most people say that they dont trust him, no matter how nice he is being. That makes it hard for Shiro to actually find real friends.

Oh! And he also like a ton of stuff!
He likes..

the colours "Scarlet red" and "Emerald green"
• Rocks
• Painting rocks
• collecting old book pages
• Drawing fantasy creatures and/or fantasy lands // islands!
• small crystals and diamonds
• Shiny stuff in general
• snakes, Owls, Foxes, baby bears and squirrels!
• Big, fluffy and comfy hoddies
• Sushi
(give this boy some of it and he will protect you from anything- he is so thankful for even just a bit of it! You cant imagine!!)
•Steak (same as above ^)

He is that type of person to be overly excited if you give them a pretty rock. He will thank you and give you something beautiful in return!
He believes that everyone who does a nice thing for him, deserves an even better thing from him!

Things he dislikes could be;

• pizza
• is family (obviously)
• being greedy / greedy people
• doing his chores
• hot weather
• tight clothes

He is very open minded and accepts everyone who is considered "different" and "weird" because he knows how it feel like to be left out and considered weird.
He wont judge based off of skin colour, gender, name, age or interests!
If youre nice to him, then he is also nice to you!

He doesnt have a specific music taste, but here are his current top 5!

▪︎ Lemon Demon - Fine
▪︎ food house - 8 now
▪︎ Will Wood - The Main Character
▪︎ Lady Gaga - Just Dance
▪︎ The Black Eyed Peas - I gotta Feeling

His clothing style is 'unique'
He is often called an emo for his style even though he is wearing goth clothes.
He had his emo phase though.. and his punk phase!

He doesnt own an actual binder which frustrates him.
(Maybe you will give him one.. what do you think?)

Shiro is also on the AroAce spectrum!
He doesnt exacly know how to Love someone romanticly.
He never saw someone in that way! He is  definitely Asexual, the thought of doing "That" makes him sick to his stomache.
It just sounds so- weird and not really nice to him. He never liked the idea of having kids either. Even tho his parents said that he will change his mind.. he never did and never will.

He is still questioning if he is also Aromantic or if he will find someone one day... he can accept that he is Ace, but Aro? He wants to experience romantic attraction, but if he will never fall inlove.. then thats fine by him aswell. I guess he is just a hopeless romantic.

Considering everything we just discussed, I would say that he is quite the lovely person.
What do you say?

Fun facts:

• Shiro is a "Leo"
He was born on the 11.08!

• Shiro and Leo exchanged phone numbers when they went to them for the first time!
They both thought that the other one was funny and they got along rather quickly!
And most of all, they understood eachother.

[I hc Leo as trans by the way! (FtM) Please do not attack me for having my own opinion!]

• Y/n and Donnie werent the only ones who were awake in the last chapter, Leo and Shiro were texting and accidentally told eachother about Y/ns crush on Donnie and Donnies crush on Y/n.

• They both decided to team up and help them confess to eachother.

• Shiro and Leo are both shippers and you cant tell me otherwise!


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