11. Confused by emotions.

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Donnies POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, again.

'Hmm.. what time is it..?'

I looked at my watch. It said '3:46'
'Hm, better than last time..'

Having insommnia isnt easy, I go to bed really late, wake up in the middle of the night and once I am awake, I cant fall back asleep. Great.

'Wait.. something is different.'

I looked around and saw that y/n was sleeping right next to me.

'Oh.. I remember now. We were having a pillowfight, got tired and he convinced me to go to sleep..'
I looked at him for a moment and felt my heart beating faster, my face getting warmer and my chest getting thight.

'What is wrong with me..? I feel so strange.. Maybe I'm just tired and need my coffee.'

I turned away from him, stood up and made my way to the kitchen. I made myself some coffee after I got there. I waited for the coffee to finish  and while I waited, I started spacing out again. I seem to do that alot the past few weeks.
My thoughts wandert and kept on going. I couldnt control the thinks that I was thinking.

'Y/N really is something else.. huh. I mean– hes got these eyes that shine so bright.. and everytime he gets really excited, he does these cute little stimms. He is so full of wonder but keeps it all inside, not wanting anyone to judge him for reacting the way that he would. He is way too good for this world. I cant believe that someone as adorable as him is being treated so badly by his own family.. I dont know why, but I have that feeling– that need to get him out of that household. He could be in real danger.. I dont think that I could bare to see him get hurt by his own blood...'
I couldnt stop my thoughts. They just kept going on and on..Once I realised what I have thought about him, I started to freak out a bit.

'Did I seriouly think that y/n is adorable? And called his stimms cute?? What the heck is wrong with me..?! This is so frustrating!! Why do I feel this way?! Why are my emotions so confusing?! Wait—Emotions! Thats it..! I'm feeling something.. for y/n..? Hah. No. I cant! Its not possible!.. right? I dont know what to do.. Was Leo right..? Did I seriously fall in love at first sight with y/n? Hahaha! No! Ofcourse not! I'm standing by the fact that its not possible to fall inlove that quickly. But.. I‐.. No. Stop it Donatello. Dont think like that. Technology and science are way more important than Love! And besides.. even if it would be true- which it isnt!... I wouldnt have a chance. No one could ever be good enough for y/n. He deserves someone that makes him happy. Truly Happy..'

I came back to reality when I smelled my coffee. I sighed and poured some into a cup. I made my way over to my lab, trying to not think about all the things I just thought.

I walked past the living room, took a quick look inside and saw y/n. He looks so peacefull. So calm and relaxed. I smile to myself as I finally reached my lab. I went inside and over to my seat, put the cup of coffee on the table and started working on some stuff, not realising that Someone was at the entrance.

•Raphs POV•

I was sleeping peacefully until I was woken up by the smell of Coffee. I sat up and looked around. I noticed that Donnie wasnt here, looking over to the clock I saw that it was 4am.

'Oh Donnie..' I sighed and got up and walked over to the kitchen to see if he was still there. He wasnt, so I figured that he was probably in his lab. The door of his lab was slightly open, so I peaked in for a second. I saw him working on a machine. Again. I slowly went inside.

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