16. Swooning♡

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Shiro's POV

"So, basically- you have liked Donnie for a while now and you just- kissed him.. and told him it was because you thought that he LOOKED CUTE IN THAT MOMENT? SERIOUSLY?"

I cannot believe this idiot! First of, why didnt he tell me? Sure, we werent really on good terms before- but we are now!! He could've told me.. I wanna know stuff like that!

But honestly- how stupid can he be? Kissing your crush, telling them that it was because you thought that they looked cute.. and then just leave. Like...BOI–

"I- I know it sounds dumb! And I know that I'm an Idiot! No need to judge me for it..."

He crossed his arms and pouted like a child with a light colour dusting his face.

I sighed. This boy..honestly- this is my brother everyone! An absolute... IDIOT!

"Okay.. I tell you what, the next time you go to visit them, you will confess to Donnie. No buts, you will! He is probably confused as hell Y/n. You cant just do that and then go ★!POOF!★ Tell him how you feel."

He looked shocked and started to panic a little.

"Confess..? Tell him how I feel..?! Are you NUTS?! NO! I cant! No way in HELL i will do that! I wont go to them for months.. I cant face him after that!"

'This Motherfu- Calm down Shiro... He is just an Idiot in love who is panicking.'

"Listen, I dont exacly like Donnie... but I still want you to confess. I will accept it because there is nothing I can do about your feelings for him. I may not know a lot about Love.. and I'm not really interested in Love or relationships either.. but I do know that you should just go for it. If you dont.. there might be someone who will swoop him off his feet before you get the chance to tell him the truth."

He looked at me with big eyes.
He seemed to be thinking, lost in his thoughts.

"I... guess youre right. I'm tired to have feelings for someone thats not mine... that doesnt know about my feelings.. I will confess! Next time.."

He still looked nervous and anxious about the whole idea.. But I'm so proud.

"Good! I believe in you little brother! I want you to know that whatever happens, I will be there for you.. and I'm so incredibly proud of you.. you can do it."

I smiled at him. I truly think that he can do it. He has problems expressing how he really feels.. this will be a challange for him. But hes still gonna try to face his fear.. and I couldnt be any more proud.

"..Thank you Shiro. I mean it! I'm gonna give my best.. and if he doesnt like me back- then so be it! Atleast I would get these feeling off of my chest! Right?"

"Yes! Thats the spirit! I know youre scared of what he will say... but if he doesnt feel the same, its his loss! You are so great Y/n.. and he would be an total Idiot to not like you.
I mean- he still has his own emotions.. but I bet that even if he doesnt like you back, he will still be your friend! I know it."

He smiled brightly at me.

"Heh.. youre right! You are the best Shiro!"

He then tackled me into a hug and we ended up having a pillow fight later on which then lead to him telling me about just how GrEaT Donnie is. He is swooning hard.. damn- he got it bad. Real bad.

'Donnie better not break his heart..'

Leo's POV•

I was very curious as to WHY Donnie was so red earlier! His face was really red and he didnt move for a moment till he sprinted to his room and shut the door behind him.

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