13. Guilt and comfort.

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▪︎little reminder that Shiro and y/n are brothers so please do not take anything in this chapter as romantic between them!
[F/b]= favourite breakfast [aka fav. Food]

•Shiro's POV•

Me and y/n had officially ran away from our home. It felt good to know that we werent gonna keep living with those bastards anymore. I cant believe that I am related to those Jerks. I also cant believe that I acted like one of them torwards y/n.. I cant forgive myself for that.
He carried me around, not caring how heavy I actually am. It suprised and shocked me that he was able to pick me up that easily.

We walked into an abandoned house, away from people. I dont know how he found it, but he somehow did-

He sat me down on an old couch and looked around for some Bandages or medications for the wound on my throat. That shit hurts like hell- That fucking old hag really sank those nail deep, huh..
Also, Y/n looked worried and scared when she hurt me.. why? Why did he care? He said that I would need to earn his trust and forgiveness.. so why is he helping me? I only apologised yesterday when he went to his friends. Welp.. I guess its nice to see that he still cares for me even tho I was such a dickhead torwards him.

I was also quite suprised.. Y/ns friends are the turtles, our enemies. He told me over text, I wasnt angry. No. I was glad that he made some friends, even tho those friends were the "enemies"
He texted me what they were doing and when he would come back. Honestly, they sounded like pretty cool and chill guys!
That was.. until I heard the purple one talk badly about y/n. How dare he? Y/n is a great person! Not a monster! . . .It might have been out of shock or for self defense.. but that still doesnt justify what he said to him. Y/n is already traumatized and this really didnt help him.
Speaking of my little brother, there he comes. He found some bandages.. I dont know from where but Its Y/n.
What did I expect?

"Can you please look up a little? I need to clean this nasty cut before I bandage it.."
He said in a soft but also shaky voice.
I didnt answer, I only looked up a bit. Just like he told me. He then used some liquid to clean the cut. It burned like- Shit! Damn.. that hurts more than a fight with a witch who has nothing better to do than to use her magic wand to poke the living shit out of you...
Dont ask.

He then took the bandages and carefully wrapped them around my neck. Not too tight and not too loose. It was just perfect.

"There.. now, you shouldnt move or talk too much. It would only damage your throat more.."
He spoke just a bit above a whisper.

I hummed and we just sat on the couch in silence.
I turned over to him and saw him looking at his bloody clothes and sharp claws that were also still covered in blood. He looked so.. empty. He looked lost and it was like he was trying to get out of that state. It hurts me so much to see him struggle like that.
This was the first time that he ever stood up for himself and also the first time he ever killed someone.. he never liked the Idea of killing innocent people.
I, on the other hand, think that they deserved it. They werent "innocent" they were monsters and had done so much shit. Not only to y/n or me, but also many other people who did nothing wrong.

They bought people and used them as slaves, they kidnapped innocent lives and brainwashed them. Thats not all, they tortured people, not only adults, but also kids and babies. They killed and made so many people suffer in different ways. I only realised how bad it was when I turned thirteen.

I heard some mumbling coming from y/n. I looked closer and noticed that his eyes were really dull.

"Hey.. Y/n..?" My voice was very raspy and crunchy. (if yk what I mean-)
His eyes widen just a tiny bit, they went back after a moment tho- he turned to me with a neutral look.

Sassy much? [Donatello x Male!reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن