Two Questions

74 1 3

Both asked by MatthewRK

These are two good questions by the way, thank you.

So it's obviously Christmas time again and I still have an unfinished Christmas story, my TSLOP and Home Alone crossover sequel Tiny's Christmas Trip 2 New York. I have it labeled as not finished and lost the doc. I'm sure some of you are wondering what that means. Now, who's ready for a story?

Once upon a time, I used to have a ton of docs in Google Docs cuz I figured if I was unable to access Wattpad I could simply write my chapters in docs and upload the chapter the next time I'm on Wattpad. I did this before with GoodNotes so I figured this was a good idea. Here's my first mistake though, I made all of those docs on my school account. Fast forward to the end of my senior year which was 2021. I finally made myself a new email and simply shared everything from my school account to my new account. That was my second mistake, I should've transferred ownership but I don't know how to do that. So fast forward to this summer, I was minding my own business when I noticed that I had docs missing. And right before my very eyes I watched them disappear. Apparently the school must've realized they hadn't deleted my school account so they were doing it now. I lost a little under half of my docs, including Tiny's Christmas Trip 2 New York.

Now, just because I don't have the original doc anymore, doesn't mean I'm not done with the story. I still have chapters up and honestly I don't think I have written anything else for it since January so it's not like I'm starting all over again. All I need to do is make a new doc and pick up where I left off. If I'm lucky, I should have more chapters done before January. Whether I finish it or not this year though is the main question.

I also had stories labeled as not started. These are the ones that only have a foreword posted. This just simply means I haven't started them yet. And I won't until I get some more stories done cuz if I remember the ones that aren't started yet are ones that are in a series so they won't be started until I get the previous story or stories done. In other words, sorry but Age of Superheroes is slowly getting updated. Plus, I need to find the blasted notebook I had so I can somehow squeeze Daisy and Rooster in.

Now I have a question. Is it normal to listen to "In the Dark of the Night" from Anastasia for two hours straight at night? I really like this song ever since I was a kid and it was in my YouTube recommendations.

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