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tyler's point of view

i knock on josh's door shortly after four.

he opens with a smile and glances down at my uniform. "you could've changed first, babyboy."

i shrug a little. "i just wanted to see you."

"well, i can't complain then." he opens the door further to let me in. "how was work?"

i hug him tightly and smile when his arms wrap around my waist to hug me back.

"my first day of spring break being spent by an eight to four shift is obviously my favorite thing."

"maybe we should go somewhere," he suggests.

"what do you mean?"

he goes to pull away but i dont drop my arms.

"no, i'm not done hugging you yet."

he laughs a little and kisses the top of my head, putting his arms back in their previous position. "maybe we could go somewhere within, like, a thirty to forty-five minute radius. see a movie and get dinner or something. there's less of a chance we'd see anyone if we're not in town, but i still want to do something with you."

"trying to wine and dine me now, mr. dun?"

"hmm. no wine from me for a couple more years. but, we can dine for sure. my treat. let me take you out sometime this week."

i finally pull away and shake my head. "you don't have to do that."

"i want to." he kisses my forehead. "i love you. i want to do nice things for you, with you."

"mm. i'd like that."

"when's your next night off?" he asks.


"perfect. tuesday night it is."

"what's on the agenda for the rest of today then?"

"ah. well, hayley is throwing a party a bit later, but i told her you probably wouldn't want to go. i usually don't go either. i don't really drink and being around drunk people while sober is not the best."

"i've never been to a party, but seeing a drunk joshua sounds very interesting," i say, intrigued by the idea.

"who's trying to wine and dine now, huh?" he raises his eyebrows, playful smile on his face.

"come onnnn, please? you can get drunk and play beer pong and i'll cheer you on, even if you suck at it," i offer.

"i'm actually an excellent beer pong player, thank you."

"then prove it."


he wasn't lying. he is actually really good at beer pong, even when he's so drunk that he calls it 'peer bong' instead.

now, as i'm driving us home from hayley's, he's asking me if we can watch frozen two when we get there.

"it's so much better than the first one!"

"i know, j. i've seen it." i can't help but laugh at the state he's in, all slurred words and smiles.

"can we watch it? please?"

"sure we can."

"i love you, ya know."

"i know. you've told me forty-seven times tonight."

"you counted? huh. forty-seven? i should tell you more often. i love you."

"i didn't really count, j. i'm just messing with you. i love you too. we're here now though, so let me come help you out so you don't fall."

clementine // joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now