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josh's point of view

tyler stands at my doorstep in my hoodie. as soon as the door is closed behind us, he tries to talk, but i interrupt him.

"hey, how was-"

i place my hands on his hips and pull him closer to kiss him, just for a couple seconds.

"sorry. just wanted my new year's kiss."

he blushes and looks down, but i tilt his head back up to face me with two fingers under his chin.

"it was great. how was your night with your friends?"

his eyes are wide and his cheeks go a shade darker, probably feeling shy under the eye contact. "oh, um. it was good."

i kiss him one more time and then pull away. "good. do you wanna sit down?"

he nods and we sit down next to each other.

"so, did you want to, like, do anything?" he asks.

"whatever you want to do. i don't have any plans," i answer.

"to be completely honest, i'd love a nap. i didn't sleep well last night."

"i'm sorry you didn't sleep well." i take one of his hands in mine and press a kiss to his knuckles.

"it's okay. the three of us barely fit in my bed is all. sydney is also a kicker sometimes." he smiles a little and shrugs his shoulders.

"well, do you want to lay here? i can sit with you while you rest. or we could lay down in my room..?"

"i'm okay with just staying here. you can keep the tv on or whatever if you're not tired, it won't bother me."

i forgot i left it on in the first place.

"where do you want me to be, love?"

"i dunno," he says, his voice quiet. i can tell he feels a bit awkward, that he's afraid there's a wrong answer even though there's not.

"do you want me to lay with you..? it might be a little cramped, but i promise not to kick you at least." i offer him a small smile and he nods.

he stands up long enough for me to lie down and then comes to lie in front of me, his back to my chest. i wrap my arm around him and press a kiss to his shoulder.

"is this okay?"

"mhm," he replies with sleep already sneaking into his voice.

"sleep well, darling."

while he drifts off into unconsciousness, i find myself thinking about the future. at first, i just think about school starting again, how it'll be when i won't be able to see him or talk to him as frequently, having to hide my feelings for him five days a week. but i do think he's worth it. i think he's amazing and we do have similar interests and values. we want the same things.

and the feeling i get from being with him is something i have yet to find a comparison for.


tyler wakes up about an hour and a half later and sits up to stretch his arms above his head.

i sit up next to him and smile. "good afternoon, babyboy. how was your nap?"

"good, thank you."

"what are you thanking me for?"

he shrugs a little. "i dunno. letting me sleep i guess."

"you don't have to thank me for anything. are you hungry? do you want lunch?"

clementine // joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now