Chapter 26: This Isn't a Game

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~Normal POV

7/11 - Monday

It wasn't at all surprising when they showed up to school the next day and found people talking about the news. Though nobody seemed to be talking badly about the incident. They were merely shocked at losing their teacher of all people. Apparently, the school had been quick to assign a new teacher for class 2-2; it was announced on the bulletin board at the school entrance. They sat around waiting for the day to start, wondering vaguely what they were going to get this time. Right on time, the door opened and their new teacher walked in.

Yu didn't know what to expect really. But it hadn't been this. Their new teacher was a woman; possibly middle-aged. A woman who was not dressed appropriately for a teacher. Her blouse was cut a little too low, far lower than any student would be allowed to have. And despite the serious nature of her new placement, she seemed too cheerful.

"Good morning!" She said, with a smile. "I'm Noriko Kashiwagi, your new class teacher starting today." Her smile vanished and her tone turned to one of obviously fake sadness. "You all probably know already, but now that Mr. Morooka has passed away... I'll be taking good care of you instead." She finished with a light chuckle.

Yu noticed by glancing around the room that he wasn't the only one who was disturbed by her nonchalance about a coworker's death. She was incredibly off-putting and he already didn't like her. She reminded him too much of that one nurse at his hospital job. (Who he also hated being around; he only kept going for the money.)

"Ok," Ms. Kashiwagi continued. "Why don't we start off with a moment of silence for Mr. Morooka. Close your eyes, everyone..." The class did as she said. There was a bit of soft shuffling while everyone was quiet. Moments later, she spoke again. "That should be enough."

They all opened their eyes and saw she had moved. She was now sitting leisurely on top of the teaching podium with her legs crossed. She did not appear to have a high regard for professionalism.

"I'll do my best to fill Mr. Morooka's shoes. So our regular exams are still on track for next week. As your principal said, 'It's times like these when the schedule is most important, Nori-chan.'" Ms. Kashiwagi giggled. "Ah, it must be tough for you. But that's what it means to become an adult, little by little."

A round of whispers started up around the room about how much they already couldn't stand this woman. Yu agreed with them. But it seemed that she wasn't done with her comments yet...

"Oh, one more thing." She said, in a stiff tone. "That idol in your first year class... Ms. Kujikawa, was it?" Her tone got more bitter as she spoke. "In person, she's nothing like she seems on tv, so don't get your hopes up, mmmkay? What's so great about an idol anyway, right class?" She went on to describe Rise using a word that no teacher should ever use to describe a student.

"Ok that's over the fucking line..." Yu thought, angrily.

By the end of class, Yu and his friends were in total unanimous agreement: Kashiwagi was a thousand times worse than King Moron.


After school, the team went to their special headquarters to discuss more of the case. Teddie wasn't enrolled at school yet, but for some reason they let him come in with Yosuke anyway today. They didn't really care why the school was so lax on a kid just hanging around the campus and not having to attend classes. The case was a more important issue at the moment; along with getting Rise up to speed on what they knew so far. They could worry about getting Teddie settled into human life later.

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