Chapter 4: Urban Legend

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~Normal POV

4/13 - Wednesday

Yu woke up the next day feeling more rested than before. Years of moving often had conditioned him to get used to new environments easily. As he walked to school today, he happened to catch sight of his classmate crashing his bike again. This time the poor bastard crashed into someone's trash can. Yu stopped to help him up.

"Whew, ya saved me. Thanks!" The boy said, brightly. "Uh- oh, yeah that's right, you're that transfer student- Yu Narukami, right?"

"That's right, I didn't catch your name yesterday."

"I'm Yosuke Hanamura. Nice to meet ya."

"Nice to meet you too." Yu replied, shaking his hand. "Is there something wrong with your bike? I've watched you crash twice now." He added, chuckling.

"My bike? What about me?!" Yosuke asked, looking a bit offended.

"Ya don't look hurt from where I'm standing," Yu teased.

"Thanks for the concern..." Yosuke said. He picked up his bike and opted to walk it, as they continued heading to school. "But yeah, the damn thing's on its last legs. I'm saving up to replace it with a scooter. Say, did you hear about the incident yesterday?"

"We nearly walked into it. The crime scene was right over there." Yu answered, pointing it out as they passed by. "My uncle's one of the detectives working on it, too."

"I couldn't stop to listen-in, or I'd have been late for work, so I rode right past it," Yosuke said, "It's crazy though... The news literally just said she went incognito like two days ago. You think Misuzu Hiiragi did her in?"

Yu scoffed. "Nah, her beef is gonna be with Namatame. He's the one who cheated on her. The wife rarely blames the other woman, ya know. There's some exceptions, but usually it's the guy's fault. What I wanna know is how the hell they got her up there without anyone seeing..."

Yosuke shuddered. "Dangling a dead body over a roof like that... That's just messed up... then again, it's pretty messed up to kill someone in the first place."

"Too right..."


As expected, the school day was filled with more whispers about the incident. Of course, these were promptly shut down by Mr. Morooka. (Or as Yu was quickly informed, everyone at Yasogami had nicknamed him "King Moron;" it was a fitting name.) But even King Moron couldn't stop people chatting about it at lunch or in the hallways. Gossiping teens rarely silenced themselves, no matter the subject. Yosuke approached Yu after class let out.

"So, you getting used to this place?"

"Yep," Yu replied, packing up his bag. "I get used to new places fast."

"There isn't much to do here compared to the big city, but there is that certain... something you can't get anywhere else." Yosuke said, casually. His tone suggested that he didn't completely enjoy living here either, but continued with a smile. "The air's clean, the food's great- oh, you know about the local delicacy?"

Yu shook his head. "Not yet, what is it?"

"It's grilled steak, man!" Yosuke answered, chuckling. "Like that's anything special, huh? I know a place where you can get it cheap. Wanna come? You helped me out this morning so it's on me."

Despite what he heard yesterday, Yosuke seemed nice enough. And not many people are willing to turn down a free meal. Yu accepted the offer. It'd be nice to not just go immediately home after school-

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