Chapter 23: Another Stakeout

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~Normal POV

6/23 - Thursday

When everyone arrived at the special headquarters for their meeting they were noticeably on edge. Yosuke said he checked the tofu shop before school, and Rise was still there. But that image last night worried them. Yu figured it was bound to happen soon if they didn't try something.

"If the Midnight Channel shows the person's true feelings..." Yukiko speculated aloud. "Maybe it does the same for the culprit. Maybe what we're seeing is the culprit's intentions."

"That's possible..." Yosuke replied. "This guy can throw people into the tv after all. Which means he's gotta have the same power we do."

"So when the killer thinks, 'I'm gonna attack someone now,' that's what we see on tv?" Chie asked.

"Might as well be the basis for that entire world!" Yosuke said, exasperatedly. "Like it's some kinda mix of the minds of the victims and the killer... or maybe it's everyone's minds- fuck if I know!"

"Maybe..." Yu mumbled, unsurely.

Chie groaned. "As usual, nothing makes sense... Hey, Kanji-kun, ya still with us? You haven't said a word yet."

Kanji snapped his gaze up at her. "Huh?! Uh... well, um..."

"You weren't sleeping, were you?" Chie asked.

"Of course not!" Kanji replied, "I was... lost in thought!"

Kanji was not a very good liar. But seeing that he was paying attention again, they focused back on the important subject.

"Why would the culprit throw people into the tv in the first place," Yukiko asked.

"They must know by now that people die when they're in there long enough..." Yosuke said. "There's no doubt it's murder, or at least attempted murder. So the tv's a good way to do that because the police can never prove anything about the crime."

"Murder... So the killer's got a grudge against certain people?" Kanji mused. "Well, I know there's a shitload of people who've got my number. How about you, Yukiko-senpai? Anyone hate you so bad they'd get rid of ya forever?"

"No. Not that I can think of..."

"There's always a slight chance and you just don't realize it..." Chie replied. "But if we're trying to think of a common grudge someone would have against all the victims... I'm drawing a blank."

"Well, the good thing is, we have another shot at getting ahead of the killer." Yosuke said. "We can leave the motive aside for now. Once we catch 'em, we'll make 'em talk."

"And to get closer to doing so, we need to look after Rise." Yu said, firmly. "Let's try the stakeout plan again. This time, we'll patrol the street around the shop, that way we'll spot anybody who comes calling for her."


They decided to first stop at the small general store on the other side of the tofu shop to buy supplies. They were likely to be on patrol for a while after all. But while they were paying for everything, a familiar face walked in. It was Detective Adachi.

"Hey, Adachi-san," Yu greeted.

"What are you doing here?" Yosuke asked.

Adachi avoided eye contact with them and replied. "Oh, well... I'm doing legwork." He rubbed his neck and mumbled. "Ugh, what did I do to deserve babysitting detail?"

Yu held back a sigh. Great. Dojima sent him to spy on them instead. That was just perfect. His own uncle didn't even trust him anymore.

"Anyway, what are you kids up to?" Adachi asked. "Buying snacks?"

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