Know your place

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TW: Graphic Violence, Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Swearing.

Date: Shortly after the encounter with the Ballader and Haypisa, but before the fight with the new God Of Wisdom.

(y/n) POV:

"We need to hurry up and find Nahida." You say, your hands rested on the table that kept you away from Alhathim. He sat there, arms crossed over his chest, his face serious.
"(y/n), calm down. We are trying our hardest, but we can't speed this up. We have a plan, and for it to work, we have to stick to it. Every part of it." Alhathim states, stern with his tone.
"I know, but it doesn't help, not being able to reach her. If I could just talk to her, even for a brief moment, I would be at ease." You say, feeling a growing pit in your stomach. Something seemed off about all of this.

The Balladeer wouldn't just randomly show up. And he was awfully friendly, it was nerve racking, and you felt the weight of your mission crash against your shoulders.
"We have to wait though. Until the festival, and then we can put all of this into action. Just hold on a little longer." Alhathim says, a little calmer, and softer, almost in a comforting way.
"Yeah, I know. If only we could speed up time." You say. You clench your hands into fists and look up from the wooden table for the first time since Alhathim had walked in.

He seems surprised at the sudden movement and change in the atmosphere, that he lowers his eyes to the table, unable to make eye contact with you.
"This whole plan seems risky, do we really know for sure that it's going to work?" You say softly, but not in a comforting way. In a "helpless" and "uncertain" way.
"I really hope it does." Alhathim says, he plays with his hair, and takes a slow breath.

"So this whole thing, it's based on hope?" You say, your voice quivering. You've never felt the need to keep an Archon safe, but Nahida was so small, and helpless without you. You felt like you needed to take her in as a child, yet she knows more about taking care of someone than you do. But it still was upsetting, knowing that she was locked up somewhere, cold and deserted, away from human contact. And not able to be reached, most likely unaware that anyone cared enough to pay her a thought, while her only way of staying saine is holding onto the hope that her people, -the ones who cared nothing for her- would one day free her.

"I can't really say that I know how you feel. I've never been in the situation you are right now. But I do know, that you need to keep a calm and open mind, or else we can kiss our chances of saving Lesser Lord Kusanli goodbye." Alhathim says. His chair screeches against the wooden floor as he stands up and walks over to you. He raps his arms around you and pulls you against his body, catching you by surprise. You stand there, your hands dangling at your sides, and your mind only focused on the warmth Alhathims body gave off, and the fact that his stomach was soft, yet firm. That his grip around you was comforting, yet made you feel safe, and how he towered over you, making you feel like a teddy bear, rapped in the embrace of a happy, and safe child.

You burried your face in his chest, and rapped your arms around him, holding him as tight as you could.
"Your the strongest person I know (y/n), and you need to remember that. If anyone can save Lesser Lord Kusanli, if anyone can even have a chance of changing this torn apart nation and restoring peace and trust, its you." Alhathim says, you feel that pit in your stomach start to ease.

Alhathim's grip loosens, and he pulls away from you. You sniff, and stare at his feet. He takes a step forward, and reaches towards your face, pulling your chin up slightly to face him. You stare at his eyes, and a smile creeps across his face.
"You got this, I believe in you. And I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines through it all." Alhathim says, he releases your face, but it wasn't like his grip hurt.

"You need rest, you look exhausted. Go to bed, I'll clean up." He pushes you toward the bedrooms, ever so slightly, and then turns and starts cleaning up the tables. You turn and walk toward your room, where the darkness of the hallway was.

You open your bedroom door, and walk over to the bedside. Needing as much rest as possible, you fall to the bed, and fall asleep instantly.

Scaramouche POV:

"Oh shut up you brat!" Dottore hisses from across the room.
"Come over here and make me!" I shout back, anger festering inside me.
"You need to learn your place." Dottore yells in retaliation.
"Don't treat me like a child Dottore!" I growl, he chuckles and walks towards me. Before I know it, he's towering over me, a grin spread across his face.
"You are a child, Scaramouche." He says, before pushing me with all his force, into the wall on the other side of the room.

My body hits the wall, my head bounces, and my vision blurs. I fall forward, feeling faint. My head is buried in the ground, but I can hear Dottores footsteps coming close. There's a yank at my hair, my head screams in agony. Dottore pulls my head up forcing me to stare at him.
"Don't forget who you are you little brat. Compared to me, you are a child. And even if you were older than me, you would still act like the stupid child you are. Like I said before, know your fucking place."

He then slams my head hard into the ground.

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