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The bullies were together before Lincoln arrived putting foot on the table.

Stephanie: can we help you?

Lincoln: cough it over loser.

Douglas handed Lincoln his homework before Lincoln patted him on the cheek before walking off.

Duncan: dude your doing homework for him now.

Douglas: can I say something about it.

Kevin: far point.


The bullies were at lunch before Douglas got his head shoved into his food before Lincoln pulled his head up.

Lincoln: Douglas, what the hell is this.

Lincoln was holding the paper that was given a B- on it.

Douglas: sorry I'll do better next time.

Lincoln: sorry, how dumb can you be, my little sister probably has more A than your whole fucking family.

Lincoln began to bang his head on the table.

Lincoln: listen if this happens again I'm not taking it lightly, got that?

Douglas: yes.


Lincoln was in hallway beating Kevin to a bloody mess.

Lincoln: if he had a fucking problem with it, he would have fucking said something but you couldn't mind your fucking business, could you, shit face.

A teacher arrived seeing the scene.

Teacher: Lincoln!

Lincoln turned towards her rage in his eyes red with murderess intension.

Teacher: no swearing in school.

Lincoln: get lost.

The teacher walked away leaving Lincoln to continue the beating.

. . .

Tyler closed her locker before being meet by Stephanie.

Stephanie: Tyler, right?

Tyler: what do you want?

Stephanie: I asked around I heard you used to be a bully.

Tyler: used to.

Stephanie: what's Lincoln's deal, I heard he was your prime target, what happened his basically the bully.

Tyler: Loud change mid way, he changed even more after he got out of the mental institution.

Stephanie: mental institution?

Tyler: Loud stabbed someone to death, didn't show any signs of sanity got off as mentally unstable, he climbed an electric fence to break out of said institution stabbed and choked two grown men to death, the cops didn't say anything said they were death row escapisess, loud seems okay but it doesn't take long to flip his switch, when my friend were found dead I was pretty sure it was Loud, he cut one of them before, they were found with multiple stab wounds along with the ace killer logo on them.

Stephanie: so his a serial killer.

Tyler: I can't say, when I tried to dig deeper I almost got persecuted for the murder, the moral here is bad thighs happen when you bug him, so if possible avoid him.

Tyler closed her locker before walking away before Stephanie turned seeing Lincoln waving at her from a distance.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now