Chapter 1

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A/N so here's chapter 1... IDK i'm bored so i'm just gonna write and keep posting... ahaha! Oh and Ashley is gonna be a really good singer/songwriter, but I'm not so i will just use real songs throughout my story.

Chapter 1

"Someone go and get your lazy thing of a sister," my mum hollered to Lottie. I was in my good-for-nothing room. Just staring. Wondering. How much time would I have? No one would care, so probably a lot of time. Oh well. I was just thinking when my door burst open. I groaned.

"I'm coming, no need to tell me," I told Lottie before she could speak with her nasty remarks. (A/N I have absolutely nothing against the tommo family! I love them, even though I don't know them) I had been laying down on my small, undersized bed and I slowly walked downstairs. I can't wait for tonight. You're probably all wondering, 'She's twenty one. She could've left anytime she wanted after 18.' Well, no I couldn't. I was forbidden. No one knows about me, so I would just be a nobody on my own anyway. Oh well, I don't care. I will leave and make a living for myself. I only have a few slight problems. 1) I have no money what so ever. 2) I would have to walk everywhere and anywhere I went. 3) I have no where to stay.

As I reached the bottom step, I had that awkward moment when you think there's another step and you hulk stomp the ground.

"Is that you, you little brat?" Mum shouted from the kitchen. I sighed.

"Whatever," I mumbled. I sulked into the kitchen. I haven't been properly eating. I mean, I eat, but not always. It's bad for my health and hazardous for my previous conditions. I used to have a severe cases of food poisoning. I used to get it form almost anything I ate. It sucked.

I looked up at the table and noticed there was only five sets put out. Of course. I was always called down for dinner, but actually got to eat with my family at the table. I walked across the kitchen to the cabinets above the sink. I grabbed out a plate and rested it on the counter. The fridge is next to doorway, so I crossed back over the kitchen. I opened the fridge and scanned it. I saw carrots, carrots, carrots, and carrots. Then there was lasagna, chicken, macaroni and cheese, and salads. I took out the container of Mac-N'-Cheese. Once again, I walked across the kitchen because the microwave is near the sink, the stove, and the trash can. I took the lid off the container and stuck it in the microwave for 45 seconds. That should be good right?

After it had heated up, I decided against using my plate and just grabbed a fork to eat out of the container. I headed to my room. Peace and quiet. Serenity. Me, myself, and I. When I opened my door, something felt weird. I hadn't left any thing out before I went down to grab dinner. Had I? Wait, is that my songbook on the floor? I swear it was under my bed in my box. I rushed over to the book that laid flat and opened on the floor. Why were they in my room. When I looked through all the pages, the ink started to smudge worse than it already was. I realized I was crying. All of my songs... ruined.

Someone came in and scribbled out all of my lyrics. All of them. except one. I had written a song in the back of my book. I guess whatever sister that did this, didn't think I would write in the back. Wow. Alright that's enough. I'm leaving. I will wait till mum won't see me near her purse, then I will take out some money and leave.

That's right that's what I will do. Perfect plan. Now all I have to do is pack...

I strolled over to my bed and reached beneath it. Aha! Got it! My tote bag. It's not huge, but it will fit my journals, and song books. Now I need to find my book bag, even though I never needed one. I started to fill my bag with whatever minimum amount of clothing I was ever given. Soon I had my two bags, guitar case, and ideas. Hopefully I would be out of this dreaded place and long gone before anyone in the house realized I broke one of my many rules. Oh well... guess we'll see how this plays out. Knowing me, it won't go to well or quite as planned.

A/N Hey everyone who will ever read this! IDK how this is, but i hope you like it so far. Like seriously though, i love the Tommo family even though i will never meet them. Just remember this is fake, so how the people act, is obviously fake as well. Um well enjoy! Vote, Comment, do whatever people do on here! Woohoo! ahaha

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