•24• The Forbidden Forest

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Genesis watched as he picked up her book from the bench and flipped it around in his large hands, studying it.

"What the hell are you doing here Malfoy?!" She noticed the way his eyebrows scrunched together in displeasure when she called him by his last name.

He set the book back down and walked slowly over to where she was standing. Now he was so close, far too close for her to think properly.

"I saw you making your way down here so I followed" he shrugged his shoulders, unconcerned "at first I had thought you were going to sacrifice yourself to a centaur but that was just hopeful thinking on my part." Draco smirked and Genesis scoffed at him.

"You're a git!" She shoved his shoulder and walked past him, going to retrieve her book that she wanted to finish reading.

"Technically speaking, you should be on a date right about now." Genesis tried to bring it up nonchalantly, acting as if the bags under her eyes weren't caused by that exact thought haunting her all night.

Draco grinned sitting down next to her on the tiny bench "Technically speaking, I am"

Genesis scrunched her brows in confusion and Dracos eyes dropped down to the pout gracing her lips. "I don't understand" she spoke slowly.

"That's because you're not very bright Griffin" Draco couldn't resist getting his jabs in wherever he could, and he adored how her mouth hung open in offense. "Poly juice potion Griffin, I had Crabbe drink some and turn himself into me so he could attend the date and then let her down easy afterwards." He spoke calmly like it was the most logical things he's ever done.

Genesis had to admit it was a clever idea. It also seemed mean. But, that was Draco's reputation wasn't it? Being mean.

"Why didn't you just go and do it yourself?" Genesis was confused, and she found herself even more annoyed with him than before.

Draco pulled a green apple from out of his robe and scoffed "because I didn't want to" he bit into the apple with a loud crunching noise that irked her.

"That's obnoxious" she pointed out staring directly at the apple and how he was chewing it the loudest she'd ever heard someone eat an apple. Draco stopped mid chew and turned his head to stare at her.

"You're obnoxious but you don't hear me complaining about it." He stated matter of factly and then continued on with his loud chomping.

Genesis's mouth hung open in disbelief and she was looking at him as if he'd spontaneously grown three heads while sitting next to her.

"Yes actually I do you arse, all you do is complain about me!" she huffed and slammed her book closed for the second time, standing up she started gathering her stuff around, ready to hike back up to the castle and leave him alone in the woods to get picked off by some magical creatures with sharp teeth.

He followed in suit, standing up with her, a scowl on his face. "Griffin where are you going? I was only joking."

"Well it wasn't funny" she huffed moving branches out of her way, exposing the open grounds to the castle.

"Yes it was, and why are you still walking away from me?" He cut her off mid step and blocked the path.

"It's cold, move out of my way." She looked past him trying to pretend he wasn't there.

"You like the cold, don't be dramatic." He deadpanned, titling his head to examine her. "Why won't you look at me?"

She shivered at the demanding tone in his voice, and hoped he thought it was from the cold. Instead of answering his question she decided to change the topic. "If you don't like her you should have went on the date yourself and let her down, if she finds out it's Crabbe she'll be humiliated, it's mean Malfoy."

Draco stared at her, saying nothing, and she didn't like it. His stare was unnerving and calculated and she hated how it felt on her.

There was a prickling feeling in her head that felt fuzzy, she knew what it was immediately and gasped. "Are you trying to use legilimency on me?!" She stumbled back away from him.

Genesis stared in awe at the nerve he had, and all Draco did was throw his head back and laugh. He laughed...

His loud laugh echoed through the empty forest and taunted her even more. She had, had it with him. So ultimately deciding that violence was the best answer, she stormed up to where he stood while he was still distracted with laughing and raised her hand to slap him.

She had known she'd made a mistake when her palm never made contact with his face. Draco's hand reach out and grabbed her wrist quicker than she could process.

Genesis tried pulling out of his grip, but he only used it to pull her closer, until the only space between them was used to share their breaths in the crisp cold air.

They're eyes caught each others, in a clash of green and grey. "You're impossible to read" Draco whispers between them, his lips feathering hers. "Tell me what you're thinking."

Genesis smiled, pulling back a fraction of the way and spoke softly "That you're an asshole".

Draco smirked at her "Tell me something else."

Genesis's face went slack when he brought her in closer to him again. She swallowed loudly and glanced down at his lips. "That I don't want you to kiss me."

It was a lie that neither one of them believe. And it shocked them both when Draco growled under his breath and took a step back from her begrudgingly.

Relief flooded Genesis, it was for the best, there was no chance that they would survive each other if they continued down this dangerous path.

Without another word Draco shook his head and left Genesis standing by herself at the edge of the forest, leaving her to watch as his retreating figure grew smaller and smaller until finally he disappeared into the castle.

Good, she thought. It was good he set boundaries. It was definitely for the best she repeatedly reminded herself. After all, he had always made it crystal clear that he would always think of her as the cold blooded murderer who slaughtered her friends and mother.

The thought caused a chill to run down her spine and made her eerily aware of the fact that she was still standing on the edge of the forbidden forest, very much alone in the growing darkness.

If she hadn't been so caught up in everything else that almost happened she would have been extremely pissed at the fact that Draco had left her by herself out there.

She scolded herself immediately for thinking that she needed him to escort her back to the castle. After all, she had walked alone at dusk back to the castle hundreds of times by herself.

She certainly didn't need Malfoy to help her now of all times... that was, until a hand cupped her mouth aggressively from behind and started dragging her backward into the forest by her hair.

Yeah, she was definitely pissed Draco had left her by herself.



I know, it took me forever and a half to update but I was busy graduating so you can only be like 98% mad at me!!

Anyways this chapter is short and it ends on a cliffhanger, because I'm evil and like torturing you guys lol. (AKA, it's because I'm lazy and haven't had a creative thought in several months)  

More chapter will be coming soon! Vote and comment. <3


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