•07• The Demise

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A/n- The song on the second slide should be started when it switches to Genesis's POV;)

Genesis was fuming. How dare he think he could call her the murderer, if it wasn't for his bloody actions she wouldn't of even had to kill anyone. She thought, but yet deep down she knew that wasn't true. He was a victim just like her as much as she hated to admit it

As she made her way down the stairs and into the ballroom she noticed her friends all stop and stare as she strutted in along with other students. Genesis had always been a very confident girl, and not the snobby bad type. She had always known her worth and how she should be treated as a girl in today's society. So it was no surprise to anyone that Genesis waltzed through the room like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. As her group of friends watched her closely Pansy had seemed to notice something the others didn't. Something was different about her. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but it looked almost as if someone had put the fight back into Genesis. And Pansy knew exactly who that person was the moment she saw Draco Malfoy walk in right after Genesis looking livid.

Genesis stopped abruptly in front of her friends and scanned over all there appearances. "Pansy, Ivy you guys look stunning" she said giving them the tiniest smile that they wouldn't have caught if they weren't focusing completely on the raven haired beauty. She then turned her attention to the boys of the group and smirked slightly "boys you look dashing as always" she exclaimed using the proper adequate just like her mother had always taught her at a young age.

Everyone was quite for a minute only the sound of the faint music playing and the talking of the other students who filled the ballroom. Genesis took this time to actually look around the magical room that was decorated with the finest decorations, as she turned and scanned over the room she saw something...peculiar. Not knowing what it was she directed her attention back to the spot only to be met with what looked almost like an old version of herself standing over a very much alive Neville Longbottom. Genesis's eyes widened as soon as she realized what this was and what happened next to the innocent boy. She snapped her head back to her group of friends who had seemed to resume talking.

Genesis's POV: (Cue song)

"Theo?!" I almost yelled out startling everyone around me. "Uh come dance with me will you?" I asked not waiting for an answer before dragging him away to the dance floor. Some muggle music was playing that I didn't know the name of but I still grabbed his hand and started dancing my way around the floor as if we owned it.

Slowly looking up into his eyes I suddenly saw how he felt. For when it came to me, he wore his heart on his sleeve and I unfortunately knew it.

Sliding back and forth and spinning in circles I couldn't help the nagging feeling that told me, if I just had someone to distract me from this terrible world it would hurt less and knowing what I did about Theo's feelings for me made it so much easier and worse to do what I was about to do. As Theo brought me back to him and dipped me just as the song ended I grabbed his face and kissed him. Hating myself instantly. He immediately responded smiling into the kiss like this was the only thing he had ever wanted in this pathetic world. As the kiss started heating up he broke it and smiled down at me opening his mouth hopefully not to say something I knew would cause me to break. "I- Genesis before we continue I need to tell you something." Please don't Theo. "Since the day we first met I have found you irresponsible" oh god please stop. "And even with all the girls I whore it up with my mind has always came back to you" Theo please stop this! I practically shouted at him in my head. "And I think that reason is because..." Theo please don't do this to me I'm begging you!! "I- I love you Genesis Griffin I have always loved you" and there it was... the demise of Genesis Griffin.

Before I could even respond he brought me back into a kiss. I brought this upon myself, I actually thought that using Theo would make the hurt stop. But the pain had only intensified from his words. I felt nothing as he proclaimed his undying love for me and I hated myself for it. He was still kissing me as I stood there frozen, my brain instantly thinking of Fight-or-Flight.

If I did this it would ruin him...I will ruin him. I now know for sure how Theo feels about me and if I do this I will ruin him.

So I ran. I broke away from the kiss and decided that flight would be my best option. Being selfish has always came easy to me I guess because in that moment I didn't care if it would ruin him, for I knew if it stayed there even a second later it would have ruined me. I can't let him think he has a chance, I'm no good. I will hold his little playboy heart in my hands and and drop it leaving it to break when it hits the ground. I was broken and damaged, Theo did not deserve the heart break I would bring to him, and I did not deserve the cruel joke of love that he would bring to me. He is a Pure-Sinner that did not deserve to have his first love taken away by me.

I hear him calling after me just like I hear the heavy footsteps following after me as I run up the stairs cowardly trying to flee the horrific scene. I didn't know who was following nor did I care, they would take the hint and stop eventually.

As I finally made my way to the top of the astronomy tower I couldn't decide whether I wanted to scream at the world for being such a heartless bitch or just give up and haul myself off the tower before the guilt I knew was coming could get a chance to slowly eat me alive any minute now. I was a terrible person I had figured that out a while ago but what I did today, to him, one of my best friends. It will haunt me for the rest of my life just like all the other crimes I have committed.


Okayyyy folks wellll....that happened. Also I know that him confessing his love for her on the 7th chapter seems really quick and rushed but I have started this book at the beginning of the 5th year and they have all known each other since 1st year, which is how long he's been in love with her, so I hope that sorta helps!

But other than that on the part where he say's "and even with all the girls I whore it up with" he's not referring to the girls being whores he's referring to himself as one. Just wanted to make sure you understood he wasn't slut shaming the girls he sleeps with or anything....that's Draco's job you'll soon see😏


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