•16• A Curt Nod

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To Genesis even before the war and the dark Lord her father was never really there. Every once in a while she would see someone who looked like him pop in throughout the house when she was a child, but she never told herself it was truly him. Never gave herself the false hope, because the harsh reality even back then was that she expected nothing from him. Genesis Griffin hated her father, now and then. That much was true.

So try and imagine how much guilt she wouldn't feel about killing him. Just one swipe of her wand and he'd be dead,gone,forgotten,erased. She wanted to. God she wanted to kill him so bad, for everything he had done to her, everything he's done to others, everything he's going to do. She wasnt going to pretend that the world wouldn't be a better place without him, because it would be. She could stop or maybe even stall what was to come if she killed him where he lay. But now was not the time, she would get her sweet revenge one day, but not now. That thought was the only reason she pulled her wand away from his throat and apparated back to the train station where she had been some hours ago.

Genesis's POV•

Im a bloody idiot. I should have killed him, showed him no mercy. I mean that's what he did to all those kids he killed right? Showed them no mercy.

I have to tell Potter, tell him another war is coming. What would he even do? Would he believe me? A former death eater. I sighed stepping back onto the familiar train and taking a seat isolated away from everyone else. A day into Christmas break and I'm already heading back to Hogwarts, I must say I lasted longer than I thought I would.

I wonder if Pansy knows about these plans, or even Zabini and Malfoy. All their parents were loyal death eaters so I find no reason why they wouldn't want to join and drag their kids along with them.

My mind fell blank as I rested my head on the cold glass window and fell into a light sleep.

I was woken up abruptly by the train coming to a rapid stop, almost flinging me forwards. I sighed standing up and exiting the train, for once being happy to be back at this god forsaken school that is fated to fall.

I walked through the castle watching everyone point and whisper at something, which I soon realized was my dark mark. I had forgotten my long sleeve was rolled up just enough where you could see the whole bloody thing. I pulled my sleeve down quickly, but yet the kids didn't try hard to hide there snide comments

"I've never seen the real mark before!"

"You think she misses the Dark Lord?"

"What a freak she should have died in that battle!"

Now the last comment I actually agree with. Coming to a stop in front of the Slytherin portrait hole I said the password and climed in. I was greeted by the sight of Pansy, Blaise, and Malfoy all sitting on the common room couch drinking a very large bottle of firewhsikey. Which I needed very much right now.

I sauntered over to them grabbing the cold bottle out of Blaises hands and settling into a chair opposite from them. "Genesis what are you doing here?!" A very shocked Pansy asked her eyes wide with curiosity. I didn't respond as I tipped back the bottle a took a large gulp. "Fuck Hogwarts!" I condescendingly chucked unmeaningly locking eyes with a certain blonde. "Something got your panties in a twist Griffin?" He asked with a douche bag smirk planted on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him trying to figure out if he knew about the fucking cult I was just asked to join. Maybe he was asked to.

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