•04• Dates and Flashbacks

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"Can you guys believe that Hogwarts is throwing a welcome back ball?!" Pansy squealed walking off the train with the rest of the group following. "I mean just think 2 days into school and we already get a ball aren't you guys excited?" She added while looking to Ivy and Genesis. But all Genesis could focus on was how easy it was for the school to throw a ball as if nothing had happened. As if there weren't innocent lives that were taken right where the dance floor would be. She felt appalled even at the thought, but yet still knew that her dear friends would make her attend. "Super excited! In fact I even have my dress!" Ivy added on swirling in a circle pretending as if she was already at the ball dancing.
"What about you Gen?" Theo questioned out of the blue with a smirk on his face. For only Theo truly knew how much Genesis hated these sorts of things, even before the battle. "I'm ecstatic." She said sarcastically while subtly rolling her eyes. 

"What about dates?" Ivy asked while stopping dead in her tracks making everyone else bump into each other. "I don't know about you guys." Pansy said "But I'm going with Blaise" she exclaimed winking over at her date. Ivy knew who she wanted to go with, for she has been in love with him for almost 2 years now. She didn't know if he felt the same way or even looked at her like that, but she was determined to finally find out...by asking him to the ball. "Um, Draco can I ask you something?" Ivy peckishly asked him staring down at her feet.

He never had a problem with Ivy, thought she was a nice girl but he only thought of her as, somewhat of a friend. Before she even asked the question he knew what she was gonna say. He wanted his answer to be no, but yet she was a better option then any of the other 10 girls that had asked him today. "Do you m-maybe wanna go to the ball with m-me?" Ivy asked shyly not even meeting his eyes. He hated when people wouldn't make eye contact when talking, thought it was weak and pathetic. He pretend to think for a moment on how to get out of this situation before finally giving out a gruff "sure". "Really u-uh that's great! I mean uh yeah cool. Well I'm gonna be wearing a pink dress so if you wanna match your outfit or anything-" Ivy began to say but was cut off by a simple "no" from him. Draco hated pink, to be honest he hated every color beside green,black, and grey. But yet he was the one who had said yes to the desperate girl after all.

Genesis's POV:

    I hadn't even been paying attention to what was going on until I heard Pansy gasp from beside me. When I looked up from my trance I saw that Ivy was smiling like a fool standing across from Malfoy who looked like he wanted to Avada Kedavra himself. I couldn't help but let a small laugh pass my lips from seeing Malfoy so uncomfortable. He instantly heard and his head whipped in my direction with and unfamiliar look it his eyes before he gave me one of his famous scowls.  I was torn away from looking at him when Theo started saying my name,

"Soooo Genesis the ball is tomorrow and-" he started to say with a sly little grin on his face.

"No Theo." I said boredly before he could even finish his sentence.  Blaise came up behind him and patted his back saying how he just got rejected hard and that it was embarrassing to watch. I smiled slightly and shook my head at thought of Theo and I going to the dance. Theo has always tried to get with me as a joke but for some reason he never succeeds. Strange.


     "Come on Genesissss just do it, show me your loyalty, show me that I was right in putting that mark on your arm." 

"But I can't shes my friend!!"

"NO SHES A TRAITOR! Now dispose of her!"

"It's okay Genesis, just do it please before he kills you"

"Im so sorry Clara!! I'm so sorry......

      I woke up drenched in my own sweat panting like I had just ran a marathon. It was silly of me to think that the nightmares would get better after I was away from my house.  I looked around the room to see Pansy's and Ivys beads vacant, I checked the time and "5 o'clock?!!" I gasped not even being able to process how I managed to sleep that long. I looked up to see Pansy and Ivy coming out of our bathroom with a face full of makeup. "Oh your up" Pansy said "We didn't want to wake you, figured you usually don't sleep well" I nodded slowly thanking them for letting me "sleep in". "So why are you guys all dolled up?" I asked still hazy from my nightmare. "Genesis!! Please tell me you didn't forget that the party is tonight!!" Pansy screeched from the doorway. "Pshh of course not pans" I 100% forgot it was tonight. That explains why they gave us the day off classes. "Cmon hurry up and shower so we can get you all dolled up too!!" Ivy said while whipping her hair back with her hand all dramatic and such.  I didn't have a problem with Ivy...truly, but she can just be so annoying and air headish most times. To say she's more of Pansy's friends than mine would be a fair statement.

   I finally made my way out of bed and hopped in the shower reluctantly, only to be yelled at 10 minutes later to "get out" because I was taking to long and wouldn't have enough time to get ready. I got out of the shower and put on some sweatpants with a sweatshirt so that Pansy and Ivy could do my makeup. "Okay girls time for dresses!!!" Ivy yelled.
Yayyy me.

Okay so next chapter will be the dance/ball and I will  show the dresses for them to because I hate reading a book and not having them show me the outfits like...tf.


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