•19• Charity Case

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Draco Malfoy was nothing short of a mystery. From the short blonde hair that fell onto his face; to the cold grey eyes that would pierce into the deepest part of your soul.

Genesis had never been one to question ones motives that much was obvious; the proof was in the black ink that lay on her forearm.

But her lack of trust in the blonde boy was evident. Growing up with a death eater for a father, she heard story's about the Malfoy's.

Lucius-A dishonorable coward who you could not trust with your life. The man had no morals and no care for a life. Coming in a close second for how many times the green light has left the tip of his wand. Death is something he would wear well.

Narcissa-A wolf in sheep's clothing; yes Narcissa Malfoy liked to make everyone believe she was pure hearted but that only went as far as her son. She knew every tiny detail of what would happen to all of those innocent students who were just like Draco and yet she stood there like it was nothing.

Draco- Just a boy who had no choice, but yet still made all the wrong ones. Drowning in his own self hatred. He had no regard for who he hurt, as long as it wasn't him. He was broken beyond repair and nobody could see it.

Do not get it twisted, they were not a family of snakes; they're chameleons through and through. They change their skin, they intimidate rivals, they adapt to survive. Nothing more nothing less.


As the snow hit his face in a forceful manner he wanted to be mad, but the way her eyes lit up made him distinguish any anger that wanted to bubble inside.

That didn't mean he couldn't act like he was mad; to uphold his cold facade he put on.

"Bloody bitch, could have poked my eye out!" He grumbled making an act to try and push her from the straddling position she was in- greedily not trying very hard.

"Calm the hell down blondie your fine, besides you brought me out here remember?" She grinned at his lack of response.

Genesis looked down and realized what position she was in and jumped to her feet. "It's getting cold we should go in."

He almost growled at the lack of contact standing to his feet. He started waking back into the castle without a second look; not checking to see if she was following or not.

"Malfoy." She called out making him stop instantly in front of the castle door that led back into the warmth.

Draco turned around and could feel his breathing come to a stop. A perfect mixture of beauty and pain standing clear as day before him, covered in tiny snowflakes that she wore like a coat.

Her lips started moving but he didn't hear a single word or what she was saying. He could only focus on how her jet black hair was so vibrant against the pure white snow; or how every time her mouth opened small breathes of air invaded his every sense.

"what?" He asked finally snapping himself back to reality.

"Thank you." She whispered, distracting him once again with the air that left her perfect cold lips.

"Don't mention it- seriously." And with that he turned away walking back into the castle before he did something he'd regret.

Only a weak man would let a women cloud his judgment, and Draco Malfoy was not weak. So in that moment he decided that whatever he agreed to help Pansy with- was over.

He could not afford to fix someone else when he was already trying to put himself back together. No matter how much he wanted to.

Walking furiously through the corridors he made a b-line straight for the Slytherin common room. The portrait hole swung open hitting the wall in return, he walked in sighing in relief when there was no sight of the bob headed girl.

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