•02• The Train

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As her feet landed on the bare concrete at the train station she couldn't help the pit that formed in her stomach. Genesis made her way slowly through the crowds of students who were eager to go find their friends and the parents who were desperately trying to keep them back. If only she had a parent that cared so much about her safety that they didn't want her to return to the school that ruined many lives. Although she did, a while ago she in fact did have someone who would have begged her not to get on the train, who would have pleaded for her to move to a different school, any school other than this one. But like they say "all good things must come to an end" and no doubt Genesis's good thing indeed did meet her end. A horrific one at that.

Genesis's POV:

"Over here Gen!!" I looked up to see Pansy screaming for me halfway across the station. Of course she was oblivious to those who stared, but I wasn't because I saw everything. But funnily enough felt nothing. Maybe I'm being dramatic, maybe I'm making my trauma out to be way worse than it was...or still is in my case.

As I slowly made my way over to Pansy I saw everyone's eyes watching me. Nothing out of the blue, it's normal for people to stare at an ex- Death Eater. For I knew that it wasn't truly me they were looking at of course.....it was the mark. The mark that has caused me so much pain, has caused others so much pain. When I first got it everyone one kept telling me I was blessed! My father told me that I should feel honored a "Girl like me" was even given the chance to have it. But was I really given a chance? Did I really have a choice to say no back then? Of course not! I knew it and so did the rest of the bloody world, but that didn't stop my mind from thinking that maybe just maybe there could have been a way out of it. That I somehow didn't see a tiny option as to where there would be an out for me. But at last it was just my mind playing tricks on me. You see it likes to do that a lot, play tricks on me.

"Bloody hell Gen ya really did take your time getting over here" Pansy chuckled nervously at me. I loved Pansy. But she was the one I most despised being around, for she is the one who gave the most pity, and she is the one who understood the least. Of course I don't blame her for not having much to any trauma from that night, in fact I'm glad she doesn't. She's my best friend I wouldn't be able to stand it if she was suffering like I am. But yet maybe I would finally have someone to feel completely and utterly lifeless with, someone who would understand the mental and physical pain I'm going through. Like I said though I'm glad she doesn't have any trauma.

"Okay so a few things you should know before we get in the compartment" she gleamed. "I think I like Blaise, and I'm pretty sure he likes me too but I don't know for sure!! So if you wouldn't mind snooping around a little and finding out that'd be great!" Pansy exclaimed practically jumping up and down with her arm hooked in mine. "Okay number two, Theo's gotten even hotter so like try and resist" she giggled to which I found almost amusing but still smiled slightly to her for reassurance. "And lastly, I know you have been going through some...things" no Pansy it's not a thing its so much more than that I thought. "But just know that we are always here with you, I am always here for you!" She smiled brightly before bringing me into a giant bear hug where I finally felt a little less stiff than before. "Thanks Pans, and don't worry I'll definitely make Blaise talk." I said smirking slightly trying my best not to show any signs of the mental war that was currently going on inside my brain. She clearly bought my act because she squealed and open up the door to our groups compartment yelling "Wassupp bitchezz"

Okay Genesis ready? Lights, Cameras, Action....

Hey hey heyyyy!! So what do we think so far? I know I know the chapters are pretty short right now but the more you go the longer they will get I hope!!
So I don't really know how to feel about this chapter because it's finally starting to go into peoples POV's and idk you guys tell me whatcha think of them?
Personally I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading from people's POVS but I am not the greatest at writing them!

Anywhooo yes I know that the story's kinda grim so far but I'm hoping to change that around the more we go. Don't get me wrong there will always be grim in the story, but not as heavy as these chapters.


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