•01• Memories

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She stood there in the stream of water looking down at her blood covered hands, scrubbing them raw only to see that the blood still remained. She didn't realize until she looked down that it wasn't just her hands that's were covered in blood but in-fact her body and clothes as well.

Nothing was working, she was clawing at her skin and peeling away her clothes just to let the water run right over her as if it had no effect at all. As if her blood covered body wasn't enough she looked up to see the grounds of Hogwarts, littered with body's left and right. This couldn't be happening to her again she thought but yet there she was, standing in the pouring rain, covered in blood, standing over a familiar boy who she soon recognized as Neville Longbottom.

She didn't know the boy that well. Just that she shared a couple classes with him and he would always have a smile on his face. But yet she felt an obligation to bend down and close his eyes. For he was dead. Correction murdered....by her.

"Genesis?!", "Genesis!!" She was woken up from whatever trance held her to hear her father yelling out for her. As she looked around once again she noticed that she was indeed not on the grounds of Hogwarts, or standing over the deceased boy, or even covered in blood for that matter. She was though standing in her shower, with the freezing cold water dripping down her back just like the rain she had imagined. But it wasn't imaginary she thought, it was a memory... from the Battle Of Hogwarts.

Yes Voldemort fell. But at what cost? As she looked down upon her left wrist there it stood. The mark that ruined her life.Like it was mocking her fucking existence. The mark was nothing more than a reminder now, that she wasn't brave enough to stick up for what she knew was right, or the fact that she was forced upon killing those who she knew and loved.
So Yes Voldemort fell. But at what cost?

She was once again brought out of her thoughts by the door being busted open. "Genesis!, oh thank Merlin your okay I thought you were lying dead in a pool of your own pee!" Her best friend Pansy Parkinson said while holding her chest. "I'm fine Pans" she replied back grimly, grabbing her towel off of the rack next to her. "How'd you get in?" She asked wrapping the fluffy white towel around her petite frame. Although Pansy had indeed heard Genesis she couldn't process how her best friends soul had practically left her body since the day of the battle. Yes it was hard on everyone, but they had all seemed to get past it eventually. Where as Genesis, well she was still living in it.

"Hello?" Genesis said waving her hands in front of Pansy's face. "Sorry Gen, um your dad let me in and said you were in the shower for quite a while now, so I decided to come check on you." She simply nodded her head slightly showing her that she understood before walking out of the bathroom and straight to her closet. "So you excited to go back to Hogwarts?" Pansy questioned immediately regretting it and hoping she didn't hear. But she did, and she froze, her mind immediately having flashbacks from that brutal day where everything changed. "Uh let's just pretend I didn't say that" Pansy quickly added, but it was to late. The damage had already been done. The flashbacks had already reappeared.

   "Hey Pansy is it okay if I just meet you at the train station?" She asked praying that the brunette obliged. "Oh. Uh yeah sure Gen just make sure you find me when you get there" Pansy spoke with a pitiful smile that didn't go un-noticed by Genesis, before walking out of her bedroom and out of the house.

   She didn't like being alone. But she hated all the pity that was given to her when she was around anybody else. Nobody understood her she thought. For she was not the old Genesis anymore, the one that snuck off the grounds of the school to sneak a dip in the Black Lake with her friends, or the one who would party like there was no tomorrow and stay up until the sun rose. She envied how her friends went back to normal...

  Pansy was still the overly extra girl who liked the taste of alcohol a little to much.

  Blaise was still the fun boy who always pushed his limits with drugs.

  Theo was still the charming stud who enjoyed hearing the screams of pleasure every night.

Ivy was still the perky, obnoxious girl who pried to much into other peoples lives.

  Lukas was still the quiet secret keeper who always told one to many lies.

  The only person who she had not payed much attention to was Draco Malfoy. She wasn't quite sure if she envied him at all really. After all, it was because of the blood that ran through his veins that this entire situation at Hogwarts happened.So she pondered and came to the conclusion that if she envied anyone it would indeed not be Draco Malfoy. For he was  The Boy Who Had No Choice.

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