•21• Nerves

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When the sun goes down and the darkness swallows up all the light - that's when your monsters come out to play. They feed on every ounce of sanity you have left until you fade away into the nothingness.

No one tells you the monsters are real, but then again how could they? No ones ever lived to tell the tale.

The blade in her hand faded away, no trace left of it. It had not dawned on her yet that this was nothing more than her monsters playing their games. Laughing and teasing, bringing her to the edge of no return only to pull back at the last second and do it all again. There was a familiar voice sounding throughout the empty void; faint and echoey, her eyes suddenly heavy with exhaustion allowing her to shut them for just a second-


Draco stared down at her limp body laying ajar on the white medical cot. As a little boy he'd heard story's - dark ones. His mother use to say that it wasn't the monsters under the bed you had to fear; but the ones that take occupancy in your head and rip you apart from the inside out. Thats what had happen, he was sure of it. Her monsters had won, and Draco wasn't sure if she had even put up a fight.

"Mr.Malfoy visiting hours are closing I must insist that you head back to your common room." A nurse with a kind voice approached Draco with caution making sure she didn't startle him nor the sleeping girl. He rolled his eyes and nodded begrudgingly, finding it utterly absurd that he wasn't able to be there when she woke up.

"You will keep an eye on her." He spoke with a threatening tone keeping his voice low. The nurse seemed to shrink under his gaze and smiled sweetly.

"Of course Mr.Malfoy no need to even ask, we watch our patients round the clock." The woman assured him pleasantly, trying to hide the tremor that had taken place in her hand.

"It wasn't a question - you will keep an eye on her" and with his last threatening statement he stalked out of the hospital not looking back. Professor McGonagall was patiently waiting outside ready to apparate them both back into Hogwarts safely.

"Draco dear how is she? I had no idea she'd fallen ill so quickly, why didn't she tell Madam Pomfrey immediately?" The professor's worry for Genesis was evident but the pounding in the back of his head made him stay quiet. She took note of his state and sent him off the bed saying that she would wait for him tomorrow morning to return to St Mungo's.

Not one soul was in the common room when he had trudged in, he'd assumed that they were sleeping and had not yet heard the news. Lucky for him that meant there would be no questions that needed answering and he could try and sleep off this exhausting night.

His door shut with a click and he prayed it had not awoken any of the sleeping boys. "Where have you been?" A groggy voice echoed around the room bouncing off the walls, making him groan in annoyance.

"Something came up, and I was taking care of it." His response was vague giving no clue to what had taken place out in the courtyard. Blaise looked skeptical as he squinted in the dark.

"Hey did you happen to see Griffin while you were taking care of this thing, Pansy said she hadn't seen her in a bit." A yawn escaped Blaise's mouth and his blinks were getting heavier.

"No" A blunt response laced with lies upon lies. Blaise fell quiet and Draco had assumed that the bloke knocked back out falling into a state of carefree unconsciousness.

He carefully stripped of his clothes and slipped into the silk sheets that were awaiting him. A sigh escaping his mouth as his head fell onto the pillow, exhaustion was not a foreign thing but today it came harder than ever, pushing him to his limits.

Draco tossed and turned all night his thoughts never taking a break. He could see the rays of sun just starting to shimmer across the lake from his window and his eyes slowly started drifting shut, the darkness fully consuming him.


"Should we wake him up?"

"I don't give a fuck what you do"

"Your a git Nott"

Blaise looked at the sleeping Slytherin questioning what he should do next. He could either be a good friend and let the tired boy sleep or-

"Wake the bloody hell up you albino looking ferret!!" Draco's sleep deprived eyes shot open and instantly wanted to shut again.

"McGonagall needs you in her office." Blaise cackled while walking out of the room with Theo. Annoyance leaked off of Draco as he aggressively threw back his covers and got dressed.

"Mr.Malfoy please come in we must be going!" McGonagall was frantically moving around her office gathering this and that while urging him in. For a second he had forgotten the events that took place last night and almost asked what she was on about.

Draco cleared his throat and looked down upon his shoes awkwardly "I have work to catch up on so I won't be joining you." The rustling seem to have came to a stop and he made it his mission to avert his eyes from the professor.

"Mr.Malfoy she has been awake all morning and has been asking for you, quite stubborn if you ask me." He sighed and nodded knowing that he couldn't deny her requests.

She took his hand and felt the familiar pinch of apparation twisting and turning him in different directions. His feet touched down on the ground and suddenly he was in a clean building that smelt of chemicals and death.

"I'll be waiting here when you are done." Her voice was quiet, careful not to arise to much attention.

Draco nodded and walked down the hallway where he knew the witch was waiting in her tiny white hospital bed.

The doorknob was cold under his touch and his breath seem to hitch in his throat. Why was he nervous? Draco Malfoy didn't get nervous.

Heavy footsteps echoed around the room and suddenly he was standing outside of the curtain where she lay behind.

She hadn't noticed him yet. He could still leave, and she would never know. Yes he could leave.

He gulped taking a quiet step back, she didn't really want to see him, she only thought she did. So Draco did what he knew best and turned around, making his way back to where the professor was waiting.

"Don't you dare"



Yes, yes I know I'm alive....barely!! :D
I can't even tell you why this chapter is so short I just needed to get something published and I am having EXTREME writers block for this book so I apologize if it's terrible. I hope it will be over soon but I wouldn't expect a new chapter anytime soon!!

Song recommendations?!!


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