•05• The Ball

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Ball, Party, Gathering, Dance,Galla. There all the same thing. If you asked Genesis what they were she would tell you "Stupid". She had put on the makeup, the dress, the heels, the jewelry, but yet she felt nothing. She still couldn't believe they were going through with something that seemed so dishonorable. What about the students who didn't even get a chance to attend these sorts of things she thought, but her thoughts meant nothing apparently. That had been proven to her early on.

As she stood in front of the full length mirror staring at her reflection all she could think about was her mother. Oh how she would have loved to see Genesis in a big dress with extravagant jewels hanging off of her neck and ears. Her father on the other hand would have told her to "Hang up that dress Genesis, you have bigger priorities." For once she thought maybe her father would be right in this circumstance...she did wanna hang up the dress, but a'last she found herself being dragged out of the room by Pansy and Ivy.


Draco's POV:

     Stupid bloody dance. Making me wear a fucking suit. Forcing me to hold a idiotic corsage, a pink one!What a fucking joke, I should have just stayed in my room all night with the guys and got high or drunk, I don't bloody know anything other than standing here in a fucking suit holding a stupid flower that I picked from outside on my way here.

   I used to tolerate these sort of things. Dare I say enjoy, but now it almost feels...dishonorable. I'm not stupid I know everyone fucking blames me and my family for what happened here. Hell even I blame myself but I guess its true what they say... "You can't destroy a monster without becoming one"

    I would never admit to anyone that I was scared. Fuck I was terrified that he would win, all of our little group was. Well except for damn Ivy and Lukas, they were miraculously spared of the mark that haunts everyone. Do I secretly hate them both for that? Possibly...Do I show it when I talk to them? Abso-fucking-lutely!! Why shouldn't I? they didn't have to suffer through the trauma everyone else did, but yet they prance around school acting as if they know how it feels. But they don't I do, and Blaise, and Pansy, and Theo, and her. Oh god how much I bloody hate her. How she mopes around like she doesn't know how to keep going on with life anymore. Like fucking get over it you attention seeking whore we all went through something that day....

    Deep down I know the truth though, and that is I don't hate her. I don't like her, but I don't HATE her. Oh how much I wish I did though. I can't even admit to myself that she went through the worst out of anyone in this bloody school. Even Potter himself has nothing on how much trauma she has endured. For I saw first hand how she killed one of her best friends for being a trader, or how she killed that Longbottom boy. Yeah that probably fucked her up, or wait maybe it was the fact she killed her own mother. Yep definitely that will do it! 
I don't hate her. I hate myself...I hate the blood that runs through my veins because I know it's the same that runs through my whole murdering family. Maybe I could look in to a blood transfusion type of thing where they drain me of all my blood and replace it with someone else's. Yeah that's what I should do, bloody brilliant if you ask me.

  I don't know how long I had been standing here in my thoughts but clearly not long enough because the damn girls aren't even here yet. "God they better look like different people with how long they're taking." Blaise said looking down at his watch. "Yeah no kidding by the time they get here the dance will be over" Theo added huffing out a large breath of air.  "Wait I think I see Pansy and Ivy!!" Lukas exclaimed looking relieved. Bout fucking time I've been standing down here for so long my blonde hair probably turned grey.

   I followed Lukas's eyes only to be met with the site of Ivy and Pansy descending the stairs. "Damn" Blaise said smirking like and idiot at Pansy. "Oh wow Draco looks like you have a very...bubbly date" Theo laughed out while hitting my shoulder, "watch it mate that's my sister" Lukas added on sounding defensive. Sister or not she looked like a piece of fucking bubble gum. "Well fuck me" I whispered under my breath. "Well hello gentlemen!" Pansy said while walking towards us. I nodded at her while directing my attention back to Ivy who was blushing profusely and looking down at her hands. Merlin would it be rude to close my eyes? "Pansy that bloody dress does something to me babe!" Blaise spoke out while pointing down to his boner showing through his pants. "God Zambini put it away!" Lukas yelled while shaking his head. "Aren't you going to comment on my dress Draco?" Ivy asked me still looking down at her feet while fiddling with her fingers. "Mmm" I responded back "And don't call me Draco" I added hating the way it sounded when she said it.

    "Hey girls where's Genesis?" Theo asked looking around for her. Of course he was the one who asked he's only been obsessed with her for 2 fucking years. Poor thing gets rejected every damn time. It's extremely laughable if you ask me. "Who bloody cares let's just get this thing over with" I said turning around intending to walk away and into the ball room. "Um yeah she said she'd be here later said something about this whole thing being and I quote "a fucking joke" Pansy said looking sympathetic. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is a waste of our time. "She said we should just go on without her so let's go in" Ivy added finally looking up from the damn floor. "Let's go then" Blaise ushered all of us towards the doors. Here we fucking go!

Hi again okay so I was going to make this chapter like, A LOT longer but then I would be switching to Genesis's POV and I didn't want to do that in this one so here will be next chapter! Anyways how did we feel about my husbands POV?!😏

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